IP Camera Analytics and Detection Setup Guide v1

IP Camera Analytics and Detection Setup Guide v1, analytics and detection refers to the use of software and algorithms to analyze the video footage captured by IP cameras. This goes beyond just what happens. It allows the camera to identify and interpret specific events within the video.

Here’s a breakdown of the concept:

• IP Cameras: These are digital cameras that transmit video footage over a network rather than storing it locally.
IP Camera Analytics and Detection Setup Guide v1,  Analytics: IP cameras can be equipped with built-in analytics or work in conjunction with video to analyze the video. This analysis can detect things like , objects entering or leaving specific areas, or even recognize specific objects or people.
Detection: When the analytics software identifies a pre-programmed event, it can trigger an alarm, send a notification, or record the video footage for further review.

There are different levels of sophistication in IP camera analytics and detection. Here are some examples:

• Basic Motion Detection: This is a common feature where the camera detects changes in pixels, which typically means movement.
• Object Detection: More advanced analytics can distinguish between different types of objects, such as people, vehicles, or packages.
• Line Crossing Detection: This can be used to identify someone entering a restricted area or a vehicle crossing a stop line.
• Missing Object Detection: This can be useful for situations where there should always be an object present, such as a product on a store shelf.

IP camera analytics and detection can be a valuable tool for security and surveillance applications. It can help to reduce false alarms, improve efficiency, and provide more actionable insights from video footage.

People Analytics

People Analytics

Learn use People Analytics to filter people by specific attributes

Updated over a week ago

The Verkada People Analytics feature uses powerful edge-based camera capabilities to detect people, faces, and filter results based on clothing color, apparent sex, and the presence of backpacks.

Note: See User Guide for People Analytics for best practice guidelines.

Enable the People History feature

All Verkada cameras perform people detection (as outlined above) out of the box. However, to enable more complex analytics, such as the ability to search for faces or for people by clothing color, you must enable the People History feature.

Required. To begin, you need to enable the feature globally on your org and then on the individual cameras.


Enable People Analytics Globally

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Admin.
2.Under Privacy & Security, click Feature Manager.
3.Under People Analytics, toggle on People History, Person Attributes, and Face Detection.


Enable People Analytics on individual cameras

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras.
2.Click  > Analytics.
3.Under Analytics, toggle on People History and other analytics features that you may need. You can only toggle on (enable) Person Attributes, Face Detection, Occupancy Trends) when People History is enabled.


View Person History

When enabled, a Person History can be seen on individual cameras and across all cameras in your organization.

IP Camera Analytics and Detection Setup Guide v1

View Person History for an individual camera

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras.
2.Select a camera > People (you won’t see this option if High Resolution Image Capture is disabled).
3.(Optional) Use the search bar to see and apply the available filters.
4.(Optional) Select Upload Photo to search for a specific person on the camera.

View Person History across all cameras

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras.
2.Select People.

You should be able to see all detected people across all cameras.

3.Use the search bar to see and apply the available filters (you can also use Ctrl+K or Cmd+K to open the search menu).

Use Face Search

When enabled, a Face Search can be seen across all cameras in your organization and on the Verkada Command mobile app.

Use Face Search across all cameras

The Face Search feature is enabled, by default, when you toggle on High Resolution Image Capture. You can search a face across all cameras in your organization.

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras.
2.Select People > Profiles.

You should be able to see all detected faces across all cameras.

3.Use the search bar to see and apply the available filters (you can also use Ctrl+K or Cmd+K to open the search menu).

Use Face Search on the Command mobile app

See Face Search on Mobile Apps to perform a face search on the Command mobile app.

Bulk enable People History on the Devices page

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Devices.
2.Hover over the green dot to the left of each camera’s thumbnail and check the box for the cameras you want to change location.
3.At the top, click Edit Settings and select Analytics.
4.Enable People History and other analytics features, as necessary.
5.Click Next > Apply > Done to apply the settings.

People and Face Search on Mobile Apps

People and Face Search on Mobile Apps

Learn how to use people and faces on Verkada mobile apps

Updated over a week ago

Access People History search

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras.
2.Select the camera where you want to search people history.
3.At the top right of the live feed, click the Hamburger icon (3 bars).
4.Select People History to see all people sightings for this camera.
5.(Optional) You can also filter results by a date range or the person’s appearance

Access a Face Search

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras.
2.Select the camera where you want to search face history.
3.At the top right of the live feed, click the Hamburger icon (3 bars).
4.Select Face Search to see all faces detected on this camera.
5.Select the face you want to view or select Upload Photo to upload a picture of a person’s face to search.
6.Once you select a face, you can see all the times this camera has detected the face or select the Three Camera icon to see all the cameras in the org that have detected the face.
7.(Optional) You can also filter results by a date range or the person’s appearance.


License Plate Recognition Overview & FAQ

License Plate Recognition Overview & FAQ

Learn the License Plate Recognition functionality and use cases

Updated over a week ago

Specially-placed cameras are designed to capture license plate images and provide users with a readable and searchable list of license plate numbers. These license plate captures can be linked to live or recorded video from a nearby camera for complete context surrounding vehicle events.

Verkada’s License Plate Recognition (LPR) allows real-time license plate monitoring and logging for later reference. Learn how to configure LPR for your cameras.


1.LPR mode is only available on the Bullet series cameras; however, any Verkada camera can be used as the optional context camera.
2.After you enable and configure LPR mode on a camera, it can take up to 5 minutes for results to populate.

Key features

Investigate License Plates of Interest

You can use LPR to quickly search for all historical appearances of a license plate, making it easier to complete investigations for suspect vehicles.

Receive License Plates of Interest alerts

With Verkada’s LPR solution, you can receive License Plate of Interest alerts when a specific license plate is detected at any of your locations. You can also send these notifications to third-party applications through the Verkada Webhooks API.

Export results via API integrations

Verkada’s LPR results can be systematically exported to third party systems leveraging our API integrations. This allows customers to run custom business reports or integrate with other critical parts of their security infrastructure.


Will Gen 1 Bullet cameras provide the same level of LPR performance as the current, Gen 2 models?

Is it possible to use cameras in LPR mode for video security beyond LPR mode?

Is it necessary to use a Bullet camera as the context camera in a dual-camera LPR setup?

What is the function of a context camera and when is it necessary to use one?

When is it necessary to use an external IR illuminator for capturing license plates and what model should I choose?

What is the camera’s behavior in the event of an internet outage?

Is it possible to integrate a Verkada LPR camera into an external system, such as a tolling system?

What types of license plates are incompatible with Verkada’s LPR technology?

Why is my camera feed too dark at night?

Enable Vehicle Analytics

Vehicle analytics uses powerful edge-based capabilities to detect vehicles and filter results based on vehicle color and body type.

How it Works

Vehicle analytics leverages the cameras’ powerful onboard processing capabilities to detect the presence of, and analyze the properties of vehicles as they appear in the frame. As vehicles are detected, high-resolution images are taken and analyzed for vehicle objects. Selected images are then sent to Verkada’s cloud-based Command platform, where users can filter historical clips for vehicles and search for specific vehicles by time, date, body type, and color.

All Verkada cameras perform vehicle detection (as outlined above) out of the box. However, to enable more complex analytics, such as the ability to search for vehicles by color and body type, vehicle analytics must be turned on.

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras.
2.Select a camera.
3.Select Settingshttps://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/977149811/f8b327573658b74b53aa4aa0/Screenshot+2024-02-27+at+10_11_59%E2%80%AFAM.png> Analytics.
4.Toggle on Vehicle History.


Bulk enable People History from the Devices Page

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Devices.
2.Select the checkbox of any camera you would like to configure analytics on.
3.In the top right, select Edit Settings.
4.Select Analytics.
1.Set Vehicle History and other analytics features you want to ON.
2.Click Next > Apply > Done to apply the settings.

Vehicle analytics for an individual camera

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras.
2.Select a camera.
3.Select Vehicles (You will not see this button if Vehicle Analytics is not enabled).
4.Use the search bar to see and apply the available filters.

Vehicle analytics across all cameras

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras.
2.In the left navigation, select Vehicles.
3.All detected vehicles across all cameras will be displayed.
4.Use the search bar to see and apply the available filters.


People and Vehicle

People and Vehicle Motion Search

Learn now to search paths of people and vehicles with advanced motion search

Updated yesterday

Verkada’s people and vehicle search features use advanced computer vision functionality to identify people and vehicles within the camera’s field of view and quickly find relevant events.

The Verkada Command UI enables instant video replay previews and trajectory viewing. Trajectory analysis features offers possibilities for searching events, reduces the number of missed detections, improves the detection distance, and reduces duplicates.

View people and vehicles over a timeline

Required. You must have Site Viewer and Site Admin access to view the Motion tab under the camera feed. Learn more about Roles and Permissions for Cameras.

You can view people and vehicles detected by a Verkada camera within historical footage.

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Camerashttps://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/948363002/5ca38b1b0836f0be1835b597/Cameras_icon.png.
2.Select a camera to view its feed.
3.At the top, click Motionhttps://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/948371139/41da79190b7001bb52e94641/PeopleMotion_icon.png.
4.To the right, click Show Pathshttps://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/948374234/c835da6babe90b758791638d/ShowPaths_icon.pngto toggle on/off the feature.


5.(Optional) Make a selection on the grid to search for motion in the area.
6.(Optional) Use the People, Vehicle, and Date filters for more granular searches
7.Hovering over a thumbnail with the people or vehicle filters selected gives a count of the people/vehicles in the frame with an option to archive the clip. By hovering over the previews, you can see tracks for the individual.
8.Click the thumbnail to be taken to the exact time in the recorded footage.


Note: People and/or vehicles will only be available if these objects were detected in the camera frame.

View people trajectories (paths)

The people trajectories feature visualizes the paths of people moving through the scene to show the trajectories of each detected person.

Trajectories drastically improve the motion event recall and enable the cameras to recognize people and vehicles at a further distance. For a detailed breakdown of the detection ranges of each model, see the People Analytics Guide.

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Camerashttps://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/948363002/5ca38b1b0836f0be1835b597/Cameras_icon.png.
2.Select a camera to view its feed.
3.At the top, click Motionhttps://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/948371139/41da79190b7001bb52e94641/PeopleMotion_icon.png.
4.(Optional) Make a selection on the video player grid to search for motion in the area.
5.Select the People or Vehicle filter to see the trajectories.


Compatible cameras

The following table outlines which camera models support Motion Events, which models support Motion Trajectories, and where the motion model is running. Newer camera models have the capability to run the motion detection model on the camera, whereas D-series cameras still rely on the Verkada Cloud to run the model.

People and Vehicle History Search

People and Vehicle History Search

Learn how to use the Search page to view all people and vehicles in your organization

Updated over a week ago

You can use the People and Vehicle search pages to:

• View all people and vehicles detected by every camera in your organization (org).
• Quickly and easily determine where and when a particular person or vehicle was last seen.
• Find new faces that have been seen.
• Configure notifications when specific people or vehicles are sighted.

Search for people

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras > People > All.

You should see all the people sighted on cameras in your org.

2.(Optional) Select a thumbnail to play a clip from the camera where this person was sighted.

Each thumbnail image includes a timestamp and the camera name.


3.At the top left, find the search bar. You can filter for options, such as camera, site, date, and so on to narrow your search.


See also how to search for people using our mobile apps.

Search for People of Interest

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras > People > People of Interest.
2.Select a person to open that person’s profile page and show thumbnail images for all the instances where that person was last sighted. Each thumbnail image includes a timestamp and the camera name.
3.(Optional) To view the corresponding video footage, simply select the thumbnail image that is of interest. If the face spotted was not this person, on the thumbnail, click the Kebab icon (three dots) and select Not This Person.


4.(Optional) You can use the search bar to filter options to narrow your search.


Set People of Interest notifications

To receive alerts for People of Interest, you need to set up alert based on your events.


People of Interest replaced Profiles on June 8, 2023. Profiles created before this date that were not set as People of Interest are not automatically send People of Interest alerts.

To set up notifications when a particular face is detected:

1.Select the profile.
2.At the top left corner, click the Kebab icon (three dots).
3.Select Add to event.


Create People of Interest

You can manually create a People of Interest group by uploading an image of a person’s face.

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras > People > People of Interest.
2.At the top right, click Person of Interest.
3.On the Add Person of Interest dialog, upload a photo that clearly shows the face of only one person (close up). The image should be in JPG or PNG format and should be less than 15 MB in size.

If you upload a picture that resembles an existing Person of Interest, then Command may suggest a profile to add the image to. If the picture you are uploading is of an existing profile, you can select it to add this picture as a reference photo. If not, select create a new one to continue creating a new profile.

Merge People of Interest

Sometimes duplicate People of Interest are accidentally created. If this happens, you can merge the duplicate People of Interest profiles.

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras > People > People of Interest.
2.At the top of each face, use the checkboxes to select the Person of Interest you want to merge.
3.Click Merge.

The profiles should merge and you will be prompted to view the new profile for that person.

Create a new tag to People of Interest

You can create and add tags to People of Interest to group similar profiles together.

Type the desired name and at the bottom of the tag list, click Add Tags.

Add a tag to a user’s profile

Select the profile and select the plus (+) icon (adjacent to the Tags button). If the tag you want to add is already in the list, you can select it from the list.

Filter a tag name

1.On the People of Interest page, click Tag (from the search menu) to filter by tag name.
2.Select the desired tag. This should show all associated profiles.

Remove a person of interest

1.Select a person.
2.At the top, click the Kebab icon (three dots) and select Remove this person.

To learn more about how individual faces are identified, see People Analytics.


Search for vehicles

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras > Vehicles > All Vehicles.

You should see all vehicles sighted on cameras in your org.

2.Select a camera thumbnail (where the vehicle was sighted) to play a clip.


3.At the top left, use the search bar to filter options, such as camera, site, date, and so on to narrow your search.


Search all license plates

If you have Verkada License Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras installed, you can use the All License Plates and License Plates of Interest tabs.

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Cameras > Vehicles.
2.At the top, click All License Plates or License Plates of Interest.
◦ If you click All License Plates, you can view all the license plates detected in your org and how often they were detected. By clicking a license plate, you can see all recent sightings of this plate.
◦ If you click License Plates of Interest, you can receive alerts whenever this plate is detected. You can also view all license plates that have been marked for notifications and filter out all other plates.

​Example: All License Plates


​Example: License Plates of Interest


Enable Occupancy Trends

The Occupancy Trends feature provides organizations with an estimate of the foot traffic at critical locations within their facilities. These estimates can provide valuable insights for optimizing staffing, adjusting hours of operation, and or tracking the

performance of marketing and promotional activities.

Note: This feature is available on the CB52, CB62, CM42, CD32, CD42, CD52, and CD62 models.

Installation guidelines

Required. To use this feature, People Analytics must be enabled. To do so, follow the steps in the People Analytics guide.

For best performance, we recommend these installation guidelines during the installation of a camera where Occupancy Trends will be enabled:

• Choose a one-directional path. Occupancy Trends works best in locations, such as doors and hallways.
• Install the camera 8–12 ft (2.4–3.7m) away from the digital line.
• Position cameras no more than 40–60˚ vertically from the location of the digital line.
• Minimize occlusions and constructions between the camera and the line.
• Ensure good illumination and visibility on both sides of the line. Users must be visible on both sides of the line for at least one second.
1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Camerashttps://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/957602995/835fde51281db5b3e589bf27/Cameras_icon.png.
2.Select a camera and go to the camera’s Settings page.
3.Scroll down to the Analytics section and toggle on Occupancy Trends.


4.Return to the camera’s main page and select the Analytics tab (displayed below the camera’s live feed).
5.Click Add lines to open the wizard.

A screenshot showing a simple white background with a pictographic depection of a line. At the bottom of the screen is a black button that reads + add lines

6.Click and drag the camera view to draw a line across the screen. You can draw multiple lines, though data from all lines are aggregated.


7.Click one of the dropdown menus (displayed near the arrow heads) to change how users crossing in that direction are counted. The Ignore option indicates that users crossing this direction are not counted by the Occupancy Trends feature.

A close-up screenshot highlighting a dropdown menu for the occupancy feature as described in the above paragraph.

8.After you set up the lines for the camera’s view, click Save.

View Occupancy Trend estimates

1.After enabling Occupancy Trends and establishing your line, you can view results by returning to the device’s Analytics tab. This tab presents all the estimated In and Out counts for your selected period of time. You can hover your mouse over individual bars to see the numeric count for that period.

A screenshot from within Verkada Command showing the Occupancy Trends UI. A gray filter bar is at the top of the screen and below it are several light blue bars showing when a user entered or exited

2.Select the time filter dropdown to increase the range of time covered by the Occupancy Trends graph, up to a maximum of 365 days.

A dropdown menu showing the options last 24 hours, last week, last 30 days, last 180 days, and last 365 days with last 24 hours having been selected

3.Select the period of time filter dropdown to choose the period of time that each column in the graph represents.

A dropdown menu showing 15 minutes and 1 hour with 15 minutes having been selected.

Export Occupancy Trends results

You can export Occupancy Trends results as a .csv file.

1.Go to the Analytics tab.
2.At the top right, click https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/935198730/1e66f03ed4f0598aecfcad44/DownloadIcon.pngto automatically download your occupancy trends results.

View Live Motion on Floor Plans

View Live Motion on Floor Plans

Learn how you can view live motion on your floor plan in real-time

Updated over a week ago

Verkada’s motion display feature offers two ways to see live motion on your site’s floor plans in real-time.

Set up motion detection

With motion detection, the camera’s field of view pulses when motion is seen. This happens in real-time.

1.In Verkada Command, go to All Products > Floorplanshttps://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/964869288/10ff2edc4f557d0dd1b32ff6/Floorplans_icon.png.
2.Select the building and floor plan you want to monitor.
3.On Floorplans, at the bottom right, click Motion Detectionhttps://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/964870036/c612e6471847eabb29636c6f/PeopleMotion_icon.png.


Example: Selected Floor Plan


Detect People Count

Detect People Count

Learn how to detect the number of people in your camera frame

Updated over a week ago

When you scrub through a Verkada camera’s historical video clips:

• Green bounding boxes appear over all detected people.
• The scrubber displays a number that indicates the number of people detected in the frame.
• The blue lines (that appear as you scrub through a clip) indicate which parts of the clip contain the most people activity.




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