Configure the firewall to allow access to AXIS Secure Remote Access
AXIS Secure Remote Access does not support proxy that requires authentication. A workaround could be to allow cameras (AXIS Companion) and AXIS Camera Station server (AXIS Camera Station) to bypass authentication.
Each time a client or a camera makes an outbound connection through the router, the router will give that connection a random external port which is used for hole punching. It is not possible to predict which port will be used.
AXIS Companion Classic and AXIS Camera Station
Peer-to-peer (P2P):
Server-side –
Cameras (AXIS Companion)/server (AXIS Camera Station) need to be able to get out on Port 80 & 443 (outbound)
Client-side network –
outbound 80 & 443
Connection using Web proxy/4G –
P2P will not work and communication is relayed through the mediator servers.
Use of dynamic ports may prevent hole punching/P2P
AXIS Companion (version 4)
The following URLs are used by the Communication Agent that is installed on all cameras/recorder in AXIS Companion 4:
In some cases:
Outbound ports used
For cloud service requests:
For P2P:
Advanced server setting
1. Advanced server setting (server-side only)
For AXIS Camera Station 5 the easiest way is to tick the checkbox “Enable server-side debug logging” found in “Server > Configuration > Settings > Advanced”.
Debug level logging will be applied immediately, not requiring a restart. Reproduce the error, generate a system report, and send it to AXIS Support.
Note, this only sets debug level logging on the server logs, not on the client logs. If debug level logging is required also on the client, the below steps using the log4net.config file is needed to be performed on the client machine.
2. Using a file (server- and/or client-side)
In the following cases debug level logging needs to be enabled following the steps below:
To enable DEBUG level, follow the following instructions:
What is AXIS Camera Station Device Compatibility Tool and what is it used for?
The test results are given for each sub-test. Each sub-test can give three different results:
What does the test results mean?
For more information about the result: Test result
Can I use the device in AXIS Camera Station if only part of the tests pass?
The device must at least pass all core communication tests. otherwise the device cannot be added to AXIS Camera Station.
If the device fails in some streaming tests but not all of them, the device could still be used in AXIS Camera Station as long as the stream profile setting is using the ones that pass the tests. For example, if H.264 fails the test but M-JPEG passes, simply change the stream profile in AXIS Camera Station from H.264 (the default setting) to M-JPEG in Devices -> Streaming profiles.
What to do if some tests fail?
There are some things you can try:
If you tried everything above but some tests always fail, the device is not supported by AXIS Camera Station.
What to do if the test cannot finish?
Check the following:
If none of the above helps, the device is not supported by AXIS Camera Station.
What to do when the device passes the tests but doesn’t work in AXIS Camera Station
If the device passes all tests i.e. is fully compatible according to the AXIS Camera Station Device Compatibility Tool but doesn’t work in AXIS Camera Station, follow this: What information is required when contacting Axis support about third-party device compatibility in AXIS Camera Station?
What to do when the device passes the tests but doesn’t work in AXIS Camera Station:
If the device passes all tests i.e. is fully compatible according to the AXIS Camera Station Device Compatibility Tool but doesn’t work in AXIS Camera Station you should contact Axis support. Please do the following:
Provide the following information when submitting a support question at Axis Online Helpdesk: