Seetong APP User Manual

Seetong APP User Manual, Seetong is the remote monitoring for all Seetong cloud devices.
The main functions of the APP include: user registration, fast adding cloud equipment, real-time image preview, , video, screenshot, screen segmentation, wheel patrol, cross screen or vertical screen display, alarm push, remote video playback, local album and video playback management.

Android Seetong User Manual

1 Preface

Thanks for choosing our products ,we are dedicated to provide provide the best excellent and trustworthy service, please contact us if you have any questions

The user manual is applicable to Seetong phone video surveillance client of Android version, which is only for reference . The user manual also introduces software’s all functions in detail and hope it help.

There will exist difference with reality as we need update and optimize software and add new functions frequently, the software shall prevail. The user manual will update continuously without notice , please download the newest version software on our website if it is necessary for you.

The user manual may include technology’s inaccuracy and print’s mistake, welcome you to put forward valuable suggestions, we will improve continuously and thanks for your great

2 Function Brief

Seetong surveillance client software is specially designed for mobile users, which is very convenient for them to achieve real time monitoring ,talkback ,snapshot ,recording and even operation. The user manual introduces usage of Seetong mobile client in detail, you can achieve real time monitor from own device when mobile phone is connected to internet and after opening our client software , no matter the camera is installed at home ,office or outdoor.

Below introduce Seetong function briefly

User Register

Support to register user through cloud management server and add own device .


Input user name and password to login ,then add device whose information will store after user cancel, when login again ,user can get former added device list .

Device Management

Support add and delete device , modify user name ,password ,media parameter ,image overturn, and alarm set.

Time Zone Set

Time zone is man-made system for saving energy, it adopt daylight saving time and can adjust based on different time zone

Firmware Upgrade

Check if it is the newest version and upgrade to perfect function and stabilize device


Video Preview

Add device to video play window and check real time video , user can choose 1 or 4 split screen ways. User can monitor ,talkback and during video playback.

Monitor and Talkback

When our device own audio function and audio input and output device ,user can begin to monitor and talkback only need click relative voice and talkback button

Video and Snapshot

User may achieve snapshot and record when preview video .The snapshot and record files are saved in mobile phone for user preview

PTZ Control

User can control PTZ ( up ,down ,left ,right) through real time monitoring and adjust the best position.

Landscape and vertical mode

Usercan choose landscape or vertical mode to play video based on private preference .

QR code information scan

Through scan device QR code , we can get device ID ,user name and password from Seetong client software . When information is right ,it will add correct device information automatically for simpler information

PTZ control

Support alarm information switch and setting , user can configure parameter based on request

Snapshot image and recording file playback

Support local photo album and recording file playback

Remote recording

User can playback and search video stream through remote recording which have been saved in front storage device

Seetong information

User can learn the newest information about Seetong device


The software will introduce newly increased functions in brief via guide so that user can learn software advantage

Picture 1 154w265h Picture 2 155w264h Picture 3 154w265h

Picture 4 152w260h

3 Procedure Installation and Unload

3.1 Operation Environment

Seetong*.*.*.apk support running on Android mobile phone and Ipad with

Android 2.2


Seetong APP User Manual

Read More : EseeCloud Mobile PC App Full Guide

3.2 Installation Method

User can search and download the file installation of Seetong*.*.*.apk through Google Play shop ,360 application market ,Xiaomi application shop ,Huatu application market ,Baidu application market ,Pea Pod and so on

%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87 366 48w69h

3.3 Unload method

User find Seetong via mobile phone program management, click ‘unload’ button to unload software

4 Register and Login

The software register and login can help user learn our procedure and user method

4.1 User Register

Click’ register ‘button and enter information interface, we will introduce register function as follow

Picture 6 2

Relative attributes as follow

Cellphone/ Mailbox Receive verification code

Login password 6 to 32 bits character

Verification code will send to user cellphone or mailbox

After finishing register, it will back to login interface automatically and paste user name and password in textbox.

4.2 User Login

After finishing register , it will skip into “ ‘ interface,then input correct user name and password to login . The device list is empty if it is the first time for user to login , it will show follow list after including user list

Picture 7 2

Relative attributes as follow

User Name input correct cellphone and mailbox the default is null

Password input correct password the default is null );

The picture below showed two device list information , the left device list is null ,the right is full

Picture 8 199w341h   Picture 9 199w340h

5 Video Preview

5.1 Video preview

Click device on software main interface and enter video preview interface ,preview and playback video as the picture below

Picture 10 181w304h


On playback window ,clickbutton and choose one screen to playback choose four screens to playback as the picture below

Picture 13 181w304h   Picture 14 185w307h

                                   1 screen playback                 4 screen playback        

Or choose standard SD and HD in code stream type and switch like below picture

Picture 15 181w304h   Picture 16 180w301h

                                         HD Playback               SD Playback

Or clickbutton and only playback current deviceclickbutton to loop playback device list as the picture below

Picture 19 181w304h   Picture 20 178w300h

Current image playback             Loop Playback

5.2 Voice and Talkback

2Attention: The device must support voice and talkback function and set the audio decode way to G.711.

5.2.1 Voice

click buttonwill change into during real time preview playback,open video function ,mobile phone can hear front-end voice

As follow picture】:

Picture 24 212w361h

5.2.2 Talkback

On real time preview playback interface ,click button then change to ,then start talkback function ,mobile phone can hear front-end voice, the front-end device also can hear mobile phone voice

Picture 27 184w306h

5.3 Capture and Recording

5.3.1 Capture

On real time preview playback interface ,clickto capture image as the picture below, then enter into multi-mediapicture as the picture below

Picture 29 195w326h   Picture 30 190w325h

5.3.2 Record

When playback vidoe ,click record button and begin to playback video ,the button will become greenthe preview interface show red and recording time, start recording and click record button again until finish. The recording file will be saved in multi-mediavideo as the picture below


Picture 33 188w319h   Picture 34 189w320h

5.4 PTZ Control

2Attention : It need our device to support PTZ function firstly and PTZ basic configuration parameter should be correct ,then user can begin PTZ control . If device doesn’t support PTZ , click PTZ button will show nothing.


User can touch screen to start up ,down ,left ,right ,zoom in and out operation when playback video , turn PTZ with different direction in order to achieve device image zoom in ,zoom out and restore functions

6 Device List

The green means “online ‘playback video stream on device list after normal connection , the orange means device“ offline ”and can’t playback video stream . User can add ,delete and search list and modify name on device list as the picture below

Picture 36 193w330h   Picture 37 193w327h

2Attention : system will give hint if device is offline

6.1 Add Device

6.1.1 Add device by user name and password

Click upper right corner button then enter into device add interface, input device cloud ID number ,account and password . After finishing ,click “add’ button, only information is correct, it can add normally. User also can scan R code to add device .The added device will be added automatically. The user name : admin ,default password is 123456 as the picture below:

Picture 40 287w271h

6.1.2 Scan to add device

In order to simplify operation, our software added the function through scan QR code to add device function. Firstly user need visit device local LAN IP address, then enter into device webpage, there is a QR code in network state of network configuration as the picture below. Open client Seetong ,click scan QR code to add device automatically

Picture 41 560w279h

6.1.3 Set camera WiFi

Firstly it need confirm that mobile phone have connected WIFI network .Then open Seetong mobile phone client , click “set camera Wi-Fi” on add device interface, enter into wireless configuration interface as the picture below

Picture 42 227w391h

Search the device ID you need change ,click . For example : 526806 is device WIFI ID, connect network of 526806 and enter into WIFI password interface ,input Wi-Fi password ,click next step, it will remind you that WIFI configuration is successful

2Attention please confirm that mobile phone record and connect a normal Internet WIFI.

6.2 Delete Device

When add wrong device ID, the ID will be added in device list , user need delete needless device .Choose the needless device ,then pop up prompt dialog box ,click confirm button and delete as the picture below

        Picture 44 225w386h


2Attention If user want to delete NVR device , he only can delete NVR device , but not delete channel quantity

6.3 Search Device

Search dialog box as the picture below . User need input keyword and system will search automatically when there are many devices, the eligible content will show in search dialog box

6.4 Modify IPC/NVR and channel name

Because our system have stored device cloud ID automatically, it is not easy for memory ,user can be permitted to modify IPC/NVR and channel name .Choose necessary device and will popup relative dialog box, input new channel name and confirm as the picture below

Picture 47 167w88hPicture 48 164w87hPicture 49 172w88h

6.5 Modify camera wifi

User need modify camera user name and password by considering the security. Firstly input former password, set new password and verification code ,click confirm button then take effect as the picture below

Picture 50 241w268h


6.6 Modify media parameter

Modify media parameter refers to resolution, bit rate and frame rate of playback video main and sub code stream. It can set different parameter configuration and watch video result as the picture below

Picture 51 213w167h

6.7 Image Rollover

Image Rollover is divided into vertical and horizontal mode and will show different results as the picture below

Picture 52 187w317h    Picture 53 191w321h

      Default                           Rollover Vertical

Picture 54 187w317h    Picture 55 187w316h

       Default                          Rollover Horizontal        

6.8 Motion detection

After start motion detection button , it can detect interference from outside world and choose start alarm , user can check motion detection information on start alarm interface as the picture below

Picture 56 173w296hPicture 57 177w296h

6.9 Storage Setting

The storage setting mainly targets recording file in storage device, which introduce device usage condition and support to format and unload as the picture below

Picture 58 234w289h

6.10 Time Zone Setting

Time zone is man-made system for saving energy, it adopt daylight saving time and can adjust based on different time zone

When device support time zone setting, user only need start daylight saving time setting button ,he can set out –of line time ,start and finish time and date. After configuration success, click store store button , user can enter device to preview time as the picture below


Picture 59 211w360h    

6.11 Front-end Recording

Front-end recording aim at these installed storage devices, recording file will be stored in device . The file will record in remote control. User can check video through remote control and search stored recording to playback , The time scale in recording may adjust as the picture below

Picture 60 176w296hPicture 61 175w297h

2Attention When device can’t support front-end recording playback, it will give hint.

6.12 Restore Factory Setting

When user need restore device parameter before factory, it can click restore factory setting button as the picture below

Picture 63 183w314h

6.13 Firmware Update

When device detect new update firmware ,there is a red point on firmware update interface, click red point and update software to the newest version as the picture below

Picture 64 162w272hPicture 65 157w269h

7 Local Recording

Click multi-media on software interface and enter recording management interface, local recording file uses recording button to record file .After entering local recording interface ,user will see all files according to time sequence, which playback ,derive and delete file as the picture below

Picture 66 194w333h

7.1 Recording Playback

User can playback recording file on local recording interface. When playback recording, choose the file to playback then will pop up mobile player , then will start playback. User can click on fast and slow forward

7.2 Recording Delete

Click“ edit button on top right corner, choose the recording file to delete ,click button and will pop up prompt dialog box be sure to delete click “ OK “ as the picture below

Picture 68 170w294h

8 Local Album

Click“image”on“multi-mediainterface and enter into local album management interface .user can check captured picture ,it support mouse to zoom in and out as the picture below

Picture 69 188w322h

User also can delete captured picture , it only need click “edit” button on top right corner ,choose the file to delete ,click button, will pop up window, then click OK as the picture below

Picture 71 205w349h


9 Seetong Information

When Seetong issue new information ,there is a red point on interface ,click it to check the newest information as the picture below


10 Alarm Information

When start motion detection , system will send alarm and its record will be recorded in alarm information. User can click edit button on topper right corner and delete alarm information if it is necessary as the picture below

Picture 73 213w360h

11 System Setting


Clickmorebutton on software interface, click system setting to management software as the picture below

Picture 74 242w324h

Configuration properties as follow

Patrol time when video preview mode is loop playback, the time interval is second

Telephone receiver mode : start telephone receiver mode means that it uses telephone receiver to monitoring and playback recording with small voice . When user close telephone receiver mode to monitoring and playback ,the voice is big .

Enable alarm After starting alarm button ,it will show alarm option, when user click alarm , the device will send alarm voice during preview

Alarm voicechoose disable and alarm voice, when user start the device, it will send alarm voice

Debugging information choose disable and enabled debugging information, user can check relative network type ,p2p state, playback state information

Display name choose disable or enabled alias , user can see device alias in device list and video preview interface.

Display device ID: choose disable and enabled device cloud ID, user can check ID number after starting

12 Playback setting

Choose low delay which show real time image, but the fluency is not so good. If user choose fluencywhich show very fluent image ,but the real time is not so good . If user choosenormalthe video playback will be ok between low delay and fluency as the picture below

Picture 75 197w335h

13 About us

Click more on software interface enter about us it will show software version and contact information as the picture below

Picture 76 197w338h   

13.1 Press and Save WeChat QR Code

Press seetong QR code and storage picture into mobile phone album. User can scan QR code and add Seetong WeChat number

13.2 Upload log

When user can’t use some functions normally ,he can click upload log, our developer will locate and check

13.3 About us

Click” contact us “ , if user meet any questions , he can send email to our company , we will resolve as soon as quickly as the picture below

Picture 77 216w366h

13.4 Version Update

User can check if the version is the newest and remind him to update

13.5 Suggestion Feedback

User can provide feedbacks to our company , we will try our best to meet customer requirement as the picture below


Picture 78 234w260h


14 FAQ

1 Why can’t mobile phone watch the video?

A. When user login , please confirm added device ‘s user name and password if they are right.

B. Check mobile phone if it connect network

C. Device version is too low and doesn’t include P2P function

2It happens time delay and disconnection during watching video

A Network condition is poor , wireless network is weak.

BThe setting about video frames and resolution is too high , user can reduce them to improve video fluency and stability.

CThe communication result between device and server is not good ,P2P penetrate and transmit ability are not stable

D There are many users to watch a video and buffer area is full.

3After entering main interface ,why can’t it operate PTZ

A Check channel if it includes PTZ

B PTZ reaction delay sometimes , user need wait for a while.

Please read our user manual carefully before you look for technology support, if it still can’t help you resolve questions , please contact with our technology support and send email to



IOS Seetong User Manual


1 Preface

Thanks for choosing our products ,we are dedicated to provide provide the best excellent and trustworthy service, please contact us if you have any questions

The user manual is applicable to Seetong mobile phone video surveillance client of Android version, which is only for reference . The user manual also introduces software’s all functions in detail and hope it help.

There will exist difference with reality as we need update and optimize software and add new functions frequently, the software shall prevail. The user manual will update continuously without notice , please download the newest version software on our website if it is necessary for you.

The user manual may include technology’s inaccuracy and print’s mistake, welcome you to put forward valuable suggestions, we will improve continuously and thanks for your great support

2 Function Brief

Seetong surveillance client software is specially designed for mobile users, which is very convenient for them to achieve real time monitoring ,talkback ,snapshot ,recording and even PTZ control operation. The user manual introduces usage of Seetong mobile client in detail, you can achieve real time monitor from own device when mobile phone is connected to internet and after opening our client software , no matter the camera is installed at home ,office or outdoor.

Below introduce Seetong function briefly

User Register

Support to register user through cloud management server and add own device .


Input user name and password to login ,then add device whose information will store after user cancel, when login again ,user can get former added device list .

Device Management

Support add and delete device , modify user name ,password ,media parameter ,image overturn, motion detection and alarm set.

Time Zone Set

Time zone is man-made system for saving energy, it adopt daylight saving time and can adjust based on different time zone

Firmware Upgrade

Check if it is the newest version and upgrade to perfect function and stabilize device


Video Preview

Add device to video play window and check real time video , user can choose 1 or 4 split screen ways. User can monitor ,talkback and record during video playback.

Monitor and Talkback

When our device own audio function and connect audio input and output device ,user can begin to monitor and talkback only need click relative voice and talkback button

Video and Snapshot

User may achieve snapshot and record when preview video .The snapshot and record files are saved in mobile phone for user preview

PTZ Control

User can control PTZ ( up ,down ,left ,right) through real time monitoring and adjust the best position.

Landscape and vertical mode

Usercan choose landscape or vertical mode to play video based on private preference .

QR code information scan

Through scan device QR code , we can get device ID ,user name and password from Seetong client software . When information is right ,it will add correct device information automatically for simpler information

PTZ control

Support alarm information switch and setting , user can configure parameter based on request

Snapshot image and recording file playback

Support local photo album and recording file playback

Remote recording

User can playback and search video stream through remote recording which have been saved in front storage device

Seetong information

User can learn the newest information about Seetong device


The software will introduce newly increased functions in brief via guide so that user can learn software advantage

Picture 6981 154w265h Picture 6982 155w264h Picture 6983 154w265h

Picture 6984 152w260h

3 Procedure Installation and Unload

3.1 Operation Environment

Seetong*.*.*.ipa support operation environment on and Ipad’s IOS 5.0 version

3.2 Installation Method

User can search the file : Seetong*.*.*.ipa through App Store or iTunes into mobile phone , then install as the picture below

3.3 Unload Method

User find via mobile phone program management, click ‘unload’ button to unload software

4 Register and Login

The software register and login can help user learn our procedure and user method

4.1 User Register

Click’ register ‘button and enter information interface, we will introduce register function as follow

Picture 6987

Relative attributes as follow :

Cellphone/ Mailbox: Receive verification code

Login password: 6 to 32 bits character

Verification code: will send to user cellphone or mailbox

After finishing register, it will back to login interface automatically and paste user name and password in textbox.

4.2 User Login

After finishing register , it will skip into “ user login’ interface,then input correct user name and password to login . The device list is empty if it is the first time for user to login , it will show follow list after including user list

Picture 6988

Relative attributes as follow:

User Name: input correct cellphone and mailbox the default is null

Password: input correct password the default is null );

The picture below showed two device list information , the left device list is null ,the right is full

Picture 6989 210w353h Picture 6990 207w356h

5 Video Preview

5.1 Video preview

Click device on software main interface and enter video preview interface ,preview and playback video as the picture below:

Picture 6991 193w326h

On playback window ,clickbutton and choose one screen to playback choose four screens to playback as the picture below:

Picture 6994 184w310h   Picture 6995 182w304h

    1 screen playback            4 screen playback

Or choose standard SD and HD in code stream type and switch like below picture :

Picture 6996 194w323h   Picture 6997 191w324h

HD Playback               SD Playback

Or clickbutton and only playback current device,clickbutton to loop playback device list as the picture below:

Picture 7000 191w324h   Picture 7001 194w329h

  Current image playback           Loop Playback

5.2 Voice and Talkback

2Attention: The device must support voice and talkback function and set the audio decode way to G.711.

5.2.1 Voice

click button,will change into during real time preview playback,open video function ,mobile phone can hear front-end voice

As follow picture:

Picture 7005 213w353h

5.2.2 Talkback

On real time preview playback interface ,click ,button then change to ,then start talkback function ,mobile phone can hear front-end voice, the front-end device also can hear mobile phone voice

Picture 7008 208w349h

5.3 Capture and Recording

5.3.1 Capture

On real time preview playback interface ,clickto capture image as the picture below, then enter into multi-mediapicture as the picture below :

Picture 7010 188w318h   Picture 7011 191w321h

5.3.2 Record

When playback vidoe ,click record button and begin to playback video ,the button will become green,the preview interface show red and recording time, start recording and click record button again until finish. The recording file will be saved in multi-mediavideo as the picture below:

Picture 7014 202w338h   Picture 7015 198w336h

5.4 PTZ Cotrol

2Attention:It need our device to support PTZ function firstly and PTZ basic configuration parameter should be correct ,then user can begin PTZ control . If device doesn’t support PTZ , click PTZ button will show nothing.


User can touch screen to start up ,down ,left ,right ,zoom in and out operation when playback video , turn PTZ with different direction in order to achieve device image zoom in ,zoom out and restore functions.  

6 Device List

The green means “online ‘playback video stream on device list after normal connection , the orange means device“ offline ”and can’t playback video stream . User can add ,delete and search list and modify name on device list as the picture below

Picture 7017 206w352h   Picture 7018 211w357h

2Attention : system will give hint if device is offline

6.1 Add List

6.1.1 Add device by user name and password

Click upper right corner button then enter into device add interface, input device cloud ID number ,account and password . After finishing ,click “add’ button, only information is correct, it can add normally. User also can scan R code to add device .The added device will be added automatically. The user name : admin ,default password is 123456 as the picture below:

Picture 7021 306w288h

6.1.2 Scan to add device

In order to simplify operation, our software added the function through scan QR code to add device function. Firstly user need visit device local LAN IP address, and then enter into device webpage; there is a QR code in network state of network configuration as the picture below. Open client Seetong, click scan QR code to add deviceautomatically

Picture 7022 560w279h

6.1.3 Set camera WiFi

Firstly it need confirm that mobile phone have connected WIFI network .Then open Seetong mobile phone client , click “set camera Wi-Fi” on add device interface, enter into wireless configuration interface as the picture below

Picture 7023 191w323h

Search the device ID you need change ,click . For example : 526806 is device WIFI ID, connect network of 526806 and enter into WIFI password interface ,input Wi-Fi password ,click next step, it will remind you that WIFI configuration is successful

Picture 7024 227w233h

2Attention: please confirm that mobile phone record and connect a normal Internet WIFI.

6.2 Delete Device

When add wrong device ID, the ID will be added in device list , user need delete needless device .Choose the needless device ,then pop up prompt dialog box ,clickbutton and delete as the picture below

Picture 7027 188w316h   Picture 7028 184w315h                       

2 Note: delete the NVR devices, the devices list can be deleted, the channel number is not allowed to delete.

6.3 Search Device

Search dialog box as the picture below . User need input keyword and system will search automatically when there are many devices, the eligible content will show in search dialog box

6.4 Modify IPC/NVR and channel name

Because our system have stored device cloud ID automatically, it is not easy for memory ,user can be permitted to modify IPC/NVR and channel name .Choose necessary device and will popup relative dialog box, input new channel name and confirm as the picture below:

Picture 7031 164w98hPicture 7032 164w100hPicture 7033 147w100h

6.5 Modify media parameter

Modify media parameter refers to resolution, bit rate and frame rate of playback video main and sub code stream. It can set different parameter configuration and watch video result as the picture below:

Picture 7034 220w133hPicture 7035 193w134h

6.6 Image Rollover

Image Rollover is divided into vertical and horizontal mode and will show different results as the picture below :

Picture 7036 189w314h   Picture 7037 188w315h

  【Default】                  【Rollover Vertical】

Picture 7038 189w314h    Picture 7039 186w313h

  【default】                  【Horizontal flip】

6.7 Alarm Setting

Enable motion detection and alarm information switch, user can check alarm signal, when detect alarm information ,there is a read point then send alarm voice, mobile phone will receive information as the picture below:

Picture 7040 169w290h   Picture 7041 172w293h

6.8 Time Zone Setting

Time zone is man-made system for saving energy, it adopt daylight saving time and can adjust based on different time zone

When device support time zone setting, user only need start daylight saving time setting button ,he can set out –of line time ,start and finish time and date. After configuration success, click store store button , user can enter device to preview time as the picture below :

                  Picture 7042 210w351h    

6.9 Restore Factory Setting

When user need restore device parameter before factory, it can click restore factory setting button as the picture below :

Picture 7043 197w336h

6.10 Firmware Update

When device detect new update firmware ,there is a red point on firmware update interface, click red point and update software to the newest version as the picture below:

Picture 7044 195w327hPicture 7045 193w326h

6.11 Modify Code Stream Parameter

User can modify resolution ,frame and bit rate to main and sub stream parameter, then watch different result as the picture below:

Picture 7046 176w294h   Picture 7047 177w303h

6.12 Front-end Recording

Front-end recording aim at these installed storage devices, recording file will be stored in device . The file will record in remote control. User can check video through remote control and search stored recording to playback , The time scale in recording may adjust as the picture below:

Picture 7048 209w356h   Picture 7049 210w360h

 Attention:Only the saved recording is main stream, it will show main stream during playback. There are nothing when user switch into sub stream

7 Local Recording

Click multi-media on software interface and enter recording management interface, local recording file uses recording button to record file .After entering local recording interface ,user will see all files according to time sequence, which playback ,derive and delete file as the picture below

Picture 7050 168w280h

7.1 Recording Playback

User can playback recording file on local recording interface. When playback recording, choose the file to playback then will pop up mobile player , then will start playback. User can click on fast and slow forward

7.2 Recording Delete

Click“ edit button on top right corner, choose the recording file to delete ,click button and will pop up prompt dialog box be sure to delete ,click “ OK “ as the picture below :

Picture 7052 179w306h

7.3 Recording Export

User can export recording into mobile for watching any time ,click “” button,the interface will give hint“succeed share and save in album ”, then recording will export into mobile phone album and check any time

Picture 7054 194w341h

8 Local Album

Click “image” on“ multi-media interface and enter into local album management interface .user can check captured picture ,it support mouse to zoom in and out as the picture below:

Picture 7055 173w290h

User also can delete captured picture , it only need click “edit” button on top right corner ,choose the file to delete ,click button, will pop up window, then click OK as the picture below:

Picture 7057 178w306h

User can import album into mobile phone so that he check any time

Picture 7058 197w345h

9 Seetong Information

When Seetong issue new information ,there is a red point on interface ,click it to check the newest information as the picture below:

10 Alarm Information

When start motion detection , system will send alarm and its record will be recorded in alarm information. User can click edit button on topper right corner and delete alarm information if it is necessary as the picture below :

Picture 7060 177w305h

11 System Setting

Click more button on software interface, click system setting to management software as the picture below:

Picture 7061 206w346h

Configuration properties as follow:

Patrol time: when video preview mode is loop playback, the time interval is second

Telephone receiver mode : start telephone receiver mode means that it uses telephone receiver to monitoring and playback recording with small voice . When user close telephone receiver mode to monitoring and playback ,the voice is big .

Enable alarm :After starting alarm button ,it will show alarm option, when user click alarm , the device will send alarm voice during preview

Alarm voice: choose disable and alarm voice, when user start the device, it will send alarm voice

Debugging information: choose disable and enabled debugging information, user can check relative network type ,p2p state, playback state information

Display name : choose disable or enabled alias , user can see device alias in device list and video preview interface.

Display device ID: choose disable and enabled device cloud ID, user can check ID number after starting

12 Playback setting

Choose low delay, which show real time image, but the fluency is not so good. If user choose fluency,which show very fluent image ,but the real time is not so good . If user choosenormal,the video playback will be ok between low delay and fluency as the picture below :

Picture 7062 193w328h

13 About Us

Click more on software interface ,enter about us ,it will show software version and contact information as the picture below:

Picture 7063 207w348h   

13.1 Press and Save Image In Mobile Phone

Add Seetong QR code image, it support keep image in mobile phone album. User can scan QR code and add Seetong WeChat

13.2 Contact Email

Click contact email and user can send suggestion us ,we will resolve user problem as soon as quickly as the picture below :

                             Picture 7064 153w249h

13.3 WeChat

User can add our WeChat and learn product new information as the picture below:

Picture 7065 193w315h

13.4 Suggestion Feedback

User can provide feedbacks to our company , we will try our best to meet customer requirement as the picture below:

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14 FAQ

1 Why can’t mobile phone watch the video?

A. When user login , please confirm added device ‘s user name and password if they are right.

B. Check mobile phone if it connect network

C. Device version is too low and doesn’t include P2P function

2It happens time delay and disconnection during watching video

A Network condition is poor , wireless network is weak.

BThe setting about video frames and resolution is too high , user can reduce them to improve video fluency and stability.

CThe communication result between device and server is not good ,P2P penetrate and transmit ability are not stable

D There are many users to watch a video and buffer area is full.

3After entering main interface ,why can’t it operate PTZ

A Check channel if it includes PTZ

B PTZ reaction delay sometimes , user need wait for a while.

Please read our user manual carefully before you look for technology support, if it still can’t help you resolve questions , please contact with our technology support and send email to

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