SwannView Plus app download and access

SwannView Plus app and access, What is SwannView Plus App It is CMS software developed and rendered by the Swann Communication Company to integrate the products for enabling the user to and control the  camera on a PC or smartphone. The application is available for free to download on , Android, and iOS operating systems.

Installing SwannView Plus app

1.To download the app, go to your Playstore or App store and search for SwannView Plus.
a.If for some reason you can’t search it, go to http://www.swann.com/us/apps
b.Look for the SwannView Plus, then tap ‘For Android  or ‘For iOS devices’
c.If it did not work, please follow this workaround: 


Instructions for Android:

1.Ensure “Unknown Sources” is enabled in your Android device > Settings > Security.
2.Download the SwannView Plus app apk from this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7v6rkan5eny7cb6/SwannView_Plus_20140121.apk?dl=1
3.Click on download file to commence download on your device.
4.Access the downloaded APK file on your device’s Downloads section or File Manager.
5.Tap on the APK file and follow the prompts to install.


Instructions for iOS:

1.Make sure you are using the same AppleID as when you had first downloaded the SVP app.
2.Open the appstore > Go to Profile > Purchased.
3.It will show all the apps that you downloaded before.
4.Go to the Search bar > Swann or SwannView…> It should show right away.


2.Open SwannView Plus once is done.


Changing stream settings

For smooth , it is highly suggested to set the substream’s bitrate to its lowest for the unit not to consume too much bandwidth and lessen intermittent connection if ever.

1.Go to MENU > Record.
2.Proceed to PARAMETERS > Substream.
3.Pick a channel on Camera.
4.Set the Video Quality to its lowest possible bitrate.
NOTE: lowest bitrate varies depending on the DVR or NVR.
5.Click on Copy to replicate the settings to other channels.
a.A window will pop up. Tick all checkbox to select all channels.
b.Click on OK.
6.Click on Apply to save the settings.


SwannView Plus app download and access

Read  More : Swann HomeSafe View User Manual

Getting network information

1.Access the MENU and go to CONFIGURATION > Network > General.
2.Check if Enable DHCP is checked. By default, it is checked meaning it is on DHCP.
3.You can write the UID code for you to have your own copy in case you’re away from the unit.


Testing internet connection on the phone

1.In case you skipped installing SwannView Plus app because you already have the app, we need to make sure that there is still internet connection on the phone.
2.To do so, best if you can stream online videos like YouTube just to check your connectivity.


Adding the device and viewing it on the app

1.Tap the 3-bar icon located at the top left.
2.Tap the 3rd icon to go to Devices.
3.Tap on the ‘+‘ icon at the upper right.
4.Input the information it needs.


a.Alias: <any name>
b.Register Mode: UID
c.UID: <tap the QR code icon and scan the QR code on top of the unit>
d.User Name: admin
e.Password: <the password you set to the unit upon setting it up>
5.Tap on the save iconat the top right.
a.If you got any error message, try rebooting the DVR or NVR and your router or modem.
b.Close the app and open it again.
1.Tap on Start Live View to load the

NOTE: To learn more about using the app, download a copy of the SwannView Plus Quickstart Guide.


How to change the resolution of the recorder (SwannView Plus)?

NOTE: This guide is for the following recorders : DVR-1500, 1525, 1550, 1575, 4300, 4350, 4500, 4900, 8075, 8050, HDR-8050, HDR8-8200, NVR-7000, 7090, 7095, 7200, 7250, 8000


1.Go and access the Menu then proceed to Configuration.


2.Proceed to General then General again at the top.
3.Change the Resolution– pick a resolution that matches the display in use.
a.For square monitors (usually VGA connection), these commonly accept 4:3 or 5:4 aspect ratio – you can start by choosing 1024*768 and other higher resolution such as 1280*1024.
b.For widescreen monitors (esp. TVs using HDMI connection), these commonly accept 16:9 aspect ratio – you should choose either 1280*720 (720p) or 1920*1080 (1080p).
4.Click Apply – to save the settings.

How to export recordings using SwannView Plus software?

Choosing a download path

1.Open SwannView Plus software and go to SYSTEM > System Configuration.
2.Take note of the Saving Path of Video File as this is where you will go to retrieve the exported file. Default will be C:\SwannView Plus\video for Windows.
. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ebodiznjgygfu63/SVPPC_System_SystemConfiguration_File_Path.jpg?dl=1
a.If you want to change it, click the  icon at the right side and choose your destination.
b.Click on Save once you’re done.

Downloading recordings

1.Click on VIEW > Remote  or if you are on Control Panel, just look for Remote Playback.
2.Select a date on the calendar at the lower left.
3.Choose a camera (tick the checkbox beside the camera) you wanted to search at the lower left.
4.Hover your mouse to the box at the right and icons will appear. Click the Download icon.
5.Choose a file by clicking its check box at the left.
6.Click the Download button to start downloading.
NOTE: If the file is too big, you might want to wait for a while since files are being transferred over the network.

How to playback recordings (SwannView Plus)?

Searching recordings


1.Access Menu then go to Playback.


2.Choose the channel(s) you want to search. Selected channels will have their box checked.
3.Choose a date.
4.Click Play (bottom middle controls) – to start playing the first footage on that date. You can select a time for playback by clicking on the timeline below.

Setup Email on SwannView Plus recorders


Setup email information

Using the mouse connected to the NVR, right-click then go to MENU > Configuration .

1.Go to NETWORK > Email.
2.Decide on what email address you will use for the Sender.https://www.dropbox.com/s/pnk8fjgqxdkbg78/Menu_Configuration_Network_Email.jpg?dl=1
3.Depending on the Sender, put the rest of the information needed for the setup.
 Enable Server Authentication: should be checked
 Username: Sender’s email address
 Password: Sender’s password
 SMTP Server: (check with your email provider)
 SMTP Port: (check with your email provider)
 Enable SSL/TLS: should be checked
 Sender: (any name)
 Sender Address: Sender’s email address
 Select Receivers: choose between Receiver 1 to 3
 Receiver: (any name)
 Recipient Address: (any email that will receive the alert)
 Enable Attached Picture: put a check if you want an attached image
 Interval: (choose from the available options)
4.Click on Apply once you are done.
5.Click Test and see if it will say ‘Test Succeeded’.
 If it failed, double check with your Email provider if you have the right Encryption type, SMTP Port, and SMTP Server. Check as well if you have the correct email address and password by logging in using a phone or compute


Enabling Send Email per channel

Since setting up the email to the NVR is done and test email was successful, we now need to enable the feature to the channels we want to receive alerts from.

1.Go back to MENU > Camera.


2.Proceed to MOTION > Motion Detection.
3.Choose the channel you want to configure.
4.Make sure Enable Motion Detection is ticked.
5.Set the area wanted to detect motions with.
 RED BOX means the NVR will sense motion on that area.
 NO BOX means the NVR won’t sense motion on that area.
6.Set the sensitivity that you prefer.
 Slide to the right to make it more sensitive.
 Slide to the left to make it less sensitive.
7.Click the gear https://www.dropbox.com/s/iv6ubzg3307vxvj/gear.png?dl=1 icon.
8.On the Settings window, go to Linkage Action.
9.Make sure to put a check on Send Email. Click on Apply to save the settings.
10.Proceed to Arming Schedule.
a.Set a schedule when the NVR will send alerts.
b.Click on Apply then OK to save the settings.
c.The image below shows that on Monday, it is set to send alerts the entire day if there is motion because the time is 00:00-24:00 (24hr format).https://www.dropbox.com/s/a2e0r4h9hy0y8e1/ArmingSchedule.jpg?dl=1
11.Re-do the steps for other channels.

SwannView Plus Quick Start Guides

We have just completed the updated quickstart guides for Swannview Plus PC and Mobile.


These are available in English, French and Spanish as noted in the file names after the date.

Export recordings to a USB (SwannView Plus) 

Connecting the flash drive to the unit

Ensure that you use a USB stick or flash drive (not external HDD) that has a capacity of 32GB or lower.


Search for recordings


1.Access MENU then proceed to Export.


2.Choose Normal.
3.Choose a channel – tick the box to select a channel.
4.Choose All – for Record Mode and File Type to see all recordings saved.
5.Set a Start and End time – this will be the range where the recorder will search for recordings.
6.Click Search.


Exporting recordings


1.Choose a file – tick the box at the left to choose a file. Monitor the Total Size information at the bottom to ensure that the footage will fit on your flash drive.
2.Click Export.


3.Choose a SaveType – this option may not be on your unit but if it does, choose between AVI or MP4.
4.Click Export.


5.Make sure to choose Video and log – you can go back to this step and choose Player to download the compatible media player.
6.Click OK – this will then export the recordings on the flash drive.

How to access the DVR or NVR using hostname on SwannView Plus app?

Port Forwarding

We need to make sure that the Server port and HTTP port of your DVR or NVR are open before we jump on mobile access. Here are few things to do.

1.Using a computer connected to the same router where your DVR or NVR is connected, open a browser and go to www.canyouseeme.org.
2.On the Port to check field, change 80 to 85 and click Check port. Do the same step for port 8000 and 554.
NOTE: 85, 8000, and 554 are the default ports of your DVR or NVR. 85 is the HTTP port, 8000 is the Server port, and 554 is the RTSP port. You can double check this information if you access your DVR’s menu and go to Configuration > Network > More Settings.
a.If it says Error: I could not see your service on <xx> on port (85), (<xx> can be any number) then you need to do port forwarding first. Please visit General Port Forwarding Guide.
b.If it didn’t and only says Success or Succeeded, then it means the port is open. Make sure to check if HTTP port, Server port, and RTSP port are open then proceed to Installing SwannView Plus app.

Installing SwannView Plus app

1.To download the app, go to your Playstore or App store and search for SwannView Plus.
a.If for some reason you can’t search it, go to http://www.swann.com/us/apps
b.Look for the SwannView Plus, then tap ‘For Android Devices’ or ‘For iOS devices’
2.Open SwannView Plus once installation is done.

Changing stream settings

For smooth live streaming, it is highly suggested to use Substream when playing the videos. We will also need to set the substream’s bitrate to its lowest for the unit not to consume too much bandwidth.

1.Go to MENU > Record.
2.Proceed to PARAMETERS > Substream.
3.Pick a channel on Camera.
4.Set the Video Quality to its lowest possible bitrate.
NOTE: lowest bitrate varies depending on the DVR or NVR.
5.Click on Apply to save the settings.
6.Re-do the steps for other channels.

Setting up a DDNS or hostname

1.Access the MENU > Configuration.
2.Proceed to NETWORK > DDNS.
3.From there, fill up the information needed.https://www.dropbox.com/s/evyx4q3f5t239za/Menu_Configuration_Network_DDNS.jpg?dl=1
a.Enable DDNS: checked
b.DDNS Type: <choose your domain>
NOTE: If you don’t have a DDNS account yet, you can create your own from any hostname or DDNS website like www.dyn.com/dns.
c.Server Address: <the server of your domain>
d.Device Domain Name: <hostname you registered>
e.Status: <this is automatic, you cannot change this; shows the status of your hostname>
f.User Name: <the username you registered>
g.Password: <the password you registered>

Testing internet connection on the phone

1.In case you skipped installing SwannView Plus app because you already have the app, we need to make sure that there is still internet connection on the phone.
2.To do so, best if you can stream online videos like YouTube just to check your connectivity.

Adding the device and viewing it on the app

1.Tap the 3-bar icon located at the top left.
2.Tap the 3rd icon to go to Devices.
3.Tap on the ‘+’ icon at the upper right.
4.Change the Register Mode to IP/Domain.
5.Input the information it needs.


a.Alias: <any name that you like>
b.Address: <the DDNS or hostname you registered>
c.Port: <Server port of the DVR or NVR>
d.Username: admin
e.Password: <the DVR or NVR’s password>
6.Tap on the save https://www.dropbox.com/s/vysaj462gvwlu8f/SVPAPP_3bar_3rdicon_plus_inputInfo_save.jpg?dl=1 icon at the top right.
a.If you got any error message, try rebooting the DVR or NVR and your router or modem.
b.Close the app and open it again.
1.Tap on Start Live View to load the cameras.

How to enable audio recording (SwannView Plus)?

Enable “Record Audio”


(temporary image)

1.Access Menu then go to Record. Choose Parameters then Record .
2.Change the Camera to where your microphone is connected (e.g. channel 1).
3.Change the Stream Type to Video and Audio.
4.Put a check on the box beside Record Audio.
a.If you cannot see it, click More Settings first.
5.Click on Apply to save the settings.
 Repeat the entire steps for other channels.
More Settings


1.Tick on Record Audio.
2.Click on OK.
here to go back.

How to play exported recordings on a computer (SwannView Plus)?

Choose the software to play .mp4 file

1.SwannView Plus – for Windows and Mac
2.VS Player – for Windows only
3.Other media player – instructions are for Windows but you can still try other software on your Windows or Mac computer




SwannView Plus
1.Open SwannView Plus software – if you don’t have the software yet, you can download it from these links:


2.Click File located at the top left.
3.Select Open Video File.


4.Click the reel icon – this will let you choose a file.



5.Look for the exported file – double click the file once you’ve found it.


6.Watch the clip – video will start playing.



VS Player
1.Open the VS Player – if you don’t have it yet, you can download it from HERE.


2.Click the + icon located at the top right – this will let you choose a file.



3.Look for the exported file – double click the file once you’ve found it.



4.Select the file – click it once to select it.



5.Click Play – to start the video playing.


6.Watch the clip – video will start playing.



Other media player


1.Look for the file – locate where you saved the file.


2.Open with your media player – right-click on the file and choose ‘Open with’ then choose your desired media player. VLC can play most files

*VLC is an open-source, self-contained media player that can play a variety of media without additional downloads or configuration. Please see their website for more information.


Installing SADP Tool

Download the software

The first step is to download the necessary software to your PC. A link to the software is below.


Installation procedure

After you have acquired the software, proceed to install it. The software has a generic installation procedure that most computer users should be familiar with.


Immediately upon running the software, you may receive this prompt. This is a Windows security prompt, to make sure that malicious software cannot be installed without your knowledge. Click Yes to continue.


The installer opens to this window. Click Next.


Choose language and hit Next.


The default location is displayed here. You may choose a custom location if you wish.

Click Next.


Click Install to commence the installation. A progress bar will appear.


Once the installation is successful, you will be asked to create a Desktop Shortcut. Click Next.


Leave the checkbox ticked to immediately run the software after installation. Click Finish.



Using the software

The first time you run SADP, you may receive this prompt. As the SADP software requires network access, Windows Firewall will detect that activity and request your permission for the software to access the network. Do not adjust the check boxes. Click Allow Access to continue.



Playback recordings on SwannView Plus software

Searching recordings

Open SwannView Plus software and go to Control Panel.
NOTE: If Control Panel is not available, click View > Control Panel at the top.

1.Click on Remote Playback.
3.Choose a camera – checkbox will be checked.
4.Choose a file type – you can leave it on ‘All’ to show all recorded files.
5.Set a date – choose a month, year, then date that you want to search.
6.Click on Search.
7.Pick a time – click an area on the timeline below and it will start playing the file.
NB: The playback stream is the full quality stream. As this is high bandwidth, not all connections to your recorder may be capable of delivering sufficient data to make this playback possible. Playback via software is supported only on local network connections. However, some internet connections may be capable.


SwannView Plus app and software QSG En/Fr/Es

SwannView Plus app and software QSG En/Fr/Es PDF

SwannView Plus software manual

SwannView Plus software manual



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