Wisenet Viewer User Manual

Viewer User Manual, About the User Manual ,This document contains the for the operator of the Wisenet Viewer program. Please read
this User Manual before using the product to ensure correct usage. This manual explains how to use the product based on the default values and the default screens.
The information in this manual may vary, depending on the product’s software update and our policies, and is subject to change without notice to the user.

Wisenet Viewer Introduction

Wisenet Viewer is a viewer program that can and control the video of a device connected to a through a PC in real time. You can search and play real-time events and recorded videos and save the videos as files on your PC.

Picture 1 454w285h 1


Putting registered devices and web pages into groups and setting them as layouts

You can group devices connected to your network and place each tile in the desired space to save it as a layout. Moreover, you can register a web page and monitor it along with your devices.

Monitoring real-time videos with dynamic layouts

If you enable the dynamic layout function to control and place tiles with a mouse, you can monitor the real-time video received on devices with any desired location or size.

Searching and playing saved videos by date/event/object

You can search and play videos by selecting saved regular/event videos by a specific date, event type, or object type.

Saving real-time videos or recorded videos to PC as files

You can save real-time videos or recorded videos as files on your PC.

10 | Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Searching system/event/audit logs

You can search log data, such as event or program usage history, and save it as a file.

Managing events according to event rules

You can check the events detected in a device by applying the preset event rules.

Managing permissions by user group

If you set permissions by user group, the users that belong to the group can use only the menus they have permissions for.

Term Descriptions

Wisenet Viewer Introduction

It describes the terms needed for using Wisenet Viewer.

Wisenet Viewer Introduction | 11



Installing Wisenet Viewer

To install Wisenet Viewer, you must download the installation program from the Hanwha Vision homepage.

Please run the program after checking the hardware specs and OS version of the PC you will install Wisenet Viewer on.

System Requirements

Before installing Wisenet Viewer, check system requirements.

If the minimum requirements are not met, the program may not function Properly.


The supported OS will be displayed when installing on Windows OS.

The supported OS will not be displayed on macOS because it does not have an installer.

You can install the program on an unsupported OS version of Windows and macOS, but the program may not function properly.

Be aware of the following when using an Apple M1 CPU:

Rosetta 2 is required to run the program.

If you run Wisenet Viewer after rebooting your PC or installing Rosetta 2, it may run slowly.

Picture 2 34w155h 1

Downloading and Installing

Download the Wisenet Viewer installer and install Wisenet Viewer on your PC.


12 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Starting Wisenet Viewer

When the Wisenet Viewer installation finishes, you must run the program to set up the login information.

Look through standard screen composition before enabling the program.

Running Wisenet Viewer

When the Wisenet Viewer installation finishes, you can run the program.

Launching via the Shortcut Icon

Double-click Wisenet Viewer program on your home screen.

Starting Wisenet Viewer

Launching via the Start Menu

Select □ > Wisenet Viewer.

Picture 3 29w29h 1


When running Wisenet Viewer on any Mac OS for the first time, the License Agreement
window will appear. Select
I accept the license. and click OK.

• Users that do not agree to the license agreement are not allowed to access Wisenet Viewer.

Starting Wisenet Viewer | 13



Setting up a Wisenet Viewer Password

After launching Wisenet Viewer, you must set an admin password.




This is a function that can place several devices on each tile and monitor them all at once.


This is a function that marks specific parts of recorded videos saved on your device.


This is the area where a single video is displayed. It can display real-time videos, recorded videos, web pages, or images from a device.


This means a function that sets rules and alerts when specific changes occur on the videos and the device.


This means network video devices, such as NVR, network camera, etc.


Minimum requirements

Recommended requirements


Intel i3 or faster, Apple M1

Intel i7-11700 2.5GHz or faster


4 GB higher

16 GB higher


200 GB higher

200 GB higher


512 MB higher

(OpenGL 2.1 support is required)


(OpenGL 2.1 support is required)


1 GB NIC recommended

1 GB NIC recommended



FHD, 4K supported(High DPI Display), Multi monitors support


Windows 8.1/10/11 64 bit macOS 11.0 / 12.0 / 13.0

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS/ 20.04 LTS

1.Select the desired language from the Language options below.
2.After the Set administrator password window appears, enter a password.

Picture 4 344w270h 1

Password registration conditions are as follows:
If your password length is between 8 and 9 characters, you must use 3 of the following: upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
If your password length is 10 or more characters, you must use 2 of the following: upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special letters.
Your ID may not be used as the password.
There is no limit on using special characters.
You cannot use four or more consecutive characters (e.g., 1234, abcd).
You cannot use the same character 4 or more times consecutively (e.g., !!!!, 1111, abcd).
You cannot use the space characters.
3.Re-enter your password.
4.Select the OK button.

Picture 5 29w28h 1


If you forget your password, you cannot reset it. Make sure to keep a record of your password.
If you forget your password, you must reinstall Wisenet Viewer.
For more information on changing a password, refer to Changing User/Group Information (page 101).

14 | Wisenet Viewer User Manual

Read More : Wyze App Setup Guide


Logging in to Wisenet Viewer

When the Wisenet Viewer login screen appears, log in by entering ID and password.

1.Enter ID and Password.

Starting Wisenet Viewer

U ISeNeT Viewer

1 03.ÛÛK


0 Save ID

M Auto login

Log in

2.Select the Login button.

Picture 6 29w28h 1


If Save ID is checked, your ID information will be saved.
If Auto login is checked, you will be automatically logged in when you open the program.

Starting Wisenet Viewer | 15



Checking Screen Components

After logging in to Wisenet Viewer, you will see the standard screen. The Wisenet Viewer screen consists

of the following:

Picture 7 454w256h 1

16 | Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Layout Tab

If you right-click the mouse button on the Layout tab to use viewed its detailed menu.

After clicking and dragging the Open layout tab, you can change the tab order.

Picture 8 269w170h 1

Starting Wisenet Viewer

Screen No.

Detailed Description on Functions

1 Layout Tab

You can check the currently open Layout tab.

Function Button 2


You can adjust video, audio, and search events of a recorded video.

Moreover, you can use various functions provided by Wisenet Viewer, such as registering the device or setting up the user environment.

appears if you hover the mouse over the function button panel. If you click , you can edit the items that display on the panel.

3 Resource Tree

You can check the device, web viewer, and media file registered on Wisenet Viewer.

You can also search for a device or set it as a group.

4 Layout Tree

You can create a layout to register, change the name, or enable the lock function.

You can also save the registered layout as a sequence.

5 Timeline Panel

You can see the timeline of a saved video by selecting Play mode.

You can also select and save the desired part of a video during playback.

6 Layout Panel

You can monitor video shot by a camera connected to a recorder in real time and control the video by tile.

7 Event Panel

Event Tab: You can check and search an event happening on a device in real time.
Bookmark Tab: You can check and open the bookmarks on the list.

Information/alarm 8


You can use the system alarm provided by Wisenet Viewer or the control function of Wisenet Viewer.

If you click | on the right side of the Layout tab, a Layout tab will be added.
If you click Q on an open Layout tab, it will be closed.
If components of the layout change, the Q icon will appear next to the layout name. If you close a tab without saving the layout, changes will not be saved.
Layout Tab Shortcuts

Starting Wisenet Viewer | 17



Function Buttons

You can enable the following functions by clicking the function buttons.

Picture 9 255w75h 1

18 | Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Picture 10 29w29h 1


appears on the right of the panel if you hover the mouse over the function button panel.
If you click , you can select or unselect the items that display on the panel.

Starting Wisenet Viewer

Starting Wisenet Viewer | 19



Resource Tree

In the Resource tree, you can register devices and web pages, and browse saved video files. You can also search the registered devices or create groups to manage.

For more information on creating and managing groups, refer to Managing Groups (page 40).

Picture 11 231w243h 1

Root: You can check devices registered on Wisenet Viewer, along with the web page. You can assign registered devices to a group and register them.
Media file: You can check saved video files in the media file folder. You cannot add video files to the Root group but can create a group by adding them to a layout.

Device Icons


Picture 12 28w28h 1

For more information on checking the media file folder, refer to Changing the Media File
Folder Path (page 52).

20 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Layout Tree

On the Layout tree, you can configure and register a layout, and change or delete a registered layout.

For more information on how to add and manage a layout, refer to Using Layouts (page 68).

You can also save the registered layout as a sequence. For more information on sequence , refer to Setting up Sequences (page 91).

Starting Wisenet Viewer



New layout

>D 7th FL
>n Gate#1  Expand all
>07J Lobby  Collapse all

• (5 Sequence

> gPSeql

Starting Wisenet Viewer | 21



Timeline Panel

On the Timeline panel, you can search and play saved videos. You can also save videos as files.

S :: Y 0 1/16/2023 16:20:51  |<4  «  ||  ►► H|   *   x1 *  CAM 04 ¡f ( Uve ) Playback )

I 1/16/202313:00  । 1/16/2023 14:00  । 1/16/2023 15:00 R  R  । 1/16/202316:00

—“ ^^—^^——^—^—  ^c«  —

13:35 13:40 13:45 13:50 13:55 14:00 14:05 14:10 14:15 14:20 14:25 14:30 14:35 14:40 14:45 14:50 14:55 15:00 15:05 15:10 15:15 15:20 15:25 1530 15:35 15:40 15:45 15:50 15:55 16:00 16:05 16:10 16:15 16:20

New tab

Open a new Layout tab.

Press Ctrl + N on the keyboard to open a new Layout tab.

New window

Open a Layout tab in a new window.

Save layout as…

Save the current layout with a different name.

Press F12 to save the layout with a different name.

Save layout

Save changes to the current layout.

Press Ctrl+S to save changes to the current layout.


Close the current Layout tab.

Press Ctrl+W to close the current Layout tab.

Close other tabs

Close every tab except the currently selected Layout tab.


You can select a search menu.

Event search

You can search events in videos by date or event type.

AI search

You can search AI event videos by date or object type.

Smart search

You can search event videos by Include area, Exclude area, and Virtual line.

Masking video

You can set privacy masking areas on a recorded video to protect privacy or to hide areas that you don’t want to display. To use privacy masking, activate a video masking license. In case of activation, the Video masking button appears.


You can set up program usage environment, such as device registration, user registration, event rules, etc. You can search for a specific menu option or function to open directly through the search box on the Settings page.


Auto register: Search and register devices connected to the network automatically.
DDNS/P2P register: Register by entering the product ID and login information of devices connected to the network.

Priority alarm

If an priority alarm event occurs while the event tab is closed, the icon will be activated. If you click the icon, you can check real-time events on the Event Tab.


You can adjust the volume of a video.

Full screen

It displays videos on the layout in full screen mode.

Press F11 to exit full screen mode.

Remove all video

Remove all videos from the selected layout.

Channel name

Displays channel names on every video tile.


On the video tile, display video information, such as the Codec, resolution, and fps.


: This is displayed when a camera of a recorder is connected.
: This is displayed when a camera of a recorder is disconnected.

Web page

When a web page is registered, it is displayed at the bottom of the Root item.

Media file

If image or video files are stored in the storage folder, it is displayed at the bottom of the Media Files item.

: Displays video files saved in the save folder.
: Displays Image files saved in the save folder.
If you select a video file saved on PC after adding it to the tile, you can control playback on the


Playing Recorded Videos

You can search videos saved in devices by date or event type and play them. For more information on video playback, refer to Controlling Playback (page 146).

Using the Shortcut Menu

After right-clicking the top of the timeline while playing a video, you can use the Shortcut menu. For more information on the timeline shortcut menu, refer to Timeline (page 143).

Picture 13 458w79h 1

22 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Layout panel

You can monitor the video coming from device and control the video via tiles. If a tile is selected, it will be marked with an orange line.

You can monitor the items of the resource tree or layout tree after adding them to the layout tree by dragging or double-clicking them. You can also add video or image files saved on your PC by dragging them with a mouse.

For more information on video control and shortcut menu, refer to Checking Layout Videos (page 76).

Starting Wisenet Viewer




Video profile


NVR settings

Event rules


You can add and delete devices or file items in the Layout panel.
Adding and deleting the videos of the channels registered on the resource tree
Adding and deleting video/image files saved in the designated folder of your PC
Adding and deleting the web page registered in the resource tree
You can change the location or size of the video tile displayed on the Layout panel. Also, you can use various functions in the Shortcut menu of the grid or tile.
After selecting the tile, drag to move its location
After selecting the empty tile, drag to select several videos at once
Video control, such as brightness, focus, PTZ from the Shortcut menu of the tile
Spin your mouse wheel to zoom in or out on the grid
Select the Autofit button to use the automatic size fit function

Starting Wisenet Viewer | 23


Event Panel

On the Event panel, you can check real-time events and the bookmark list.

Using the Event Tab

When a new event occurs, it will be added to the Event list in real time. You can search event by channel or event type. For more information on using the Event tab, refer to Monitoring RealTime Events (page 125).

Picture 14 265w456h 1

24 | Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Using the Bookmark Tab

You can check the bookmark list. You can search bookmarks by date or channel. For more

information on using the Bookmark tab, refer to Using Bookmarks (page 165).

Picture 15 265w417h 1

Starting Wisenet Viewer

Starting Wisenet Viewer | 25



Information/Alarm Display

You can use the information/alarm display function provided by the program to control the window.

Picture 16 196w34h 1

26 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Checking the System Status

If a device or system error occurs while using Wisenet Viewer, the notification icon will be displayed in red.

When the notification icon is displayed, please check the error details and take the necessary action.

6:09:26 PM

® I

Starting Wisenet Viewer

[PRN-6410B4] Allowed bitrate exceeded

The amount of data storable by each channel exceeded, and only I-frame will be stored. Check the save settings.

1/16/2023 4:39:15 PM

[PRN-6410B4] RAID error

RAID array not available due to a disc error or RAID configuration error. Check the RAID status.

1/16/2023 4:39:4 5 PM

[PRN-6410B4] Retransmission overload

The amount of data has exceeded the transfer bandwidth of the device during remote transfer, some of the channels will be played in I-frame. Reduce the number of users or channels that are monitored.

1/16/2023 4:40:08 PM


11:01:47 AM

11:01:46 AM

11:01:43 am

ta e

Power error

Fan error

Starting Wisenet Viewer | 27



Record error


28 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Connection related

Starting Wisenet Viewer

Firmware related

Alarm input related

Starting Wisenet Viewer | 29



Shortcut Keys

This describes the keyboard shortcut available in Wisenet Viewer.

30 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Managing Devices

You can assign the devices registered on Wisenet Viewer to a group and manage them. You can also update or back up the firmware of the registered device.

Registering Devices

You can enable the following three methods to register devices on Wisenet Viewer.



You can check the performance of your PC.

CPU: Displays the current CPU usage of your PC.
RAM: Displays the current memory usage of your PC.
The icon color changes depending on the CPU/RAM usage of your PC.

0-60%: Gray, 60-90%: Yellow, Over 90%: Red



If a system notification occurs, the icon will activate.

If a notification occurs, the alarm history will be displayed below the information/alarm display icon. You can check the details by pressing the activated icon.

• Right-click on the notification history and select Clear to clear all notifications. Select Settings to go back to the Notification settings page.


User information

You can check the ID of the user who logged in. Clicking Logout will log out the current user.



You can find help for Wisenet Viewer. Clicking the icon will open the help screen.

Screen minimization

You can minimize the Wisenet Viewer screen.


Screen maximization

You can maximize the Wisenet Viewer screen.



You can exit Wisenet Viewer. If you click Exit program on the exit confirmation window, it will be closed.



Dual power system failure

There is problem with the power. Check the power LED.



Fan error

The fan is not working properly. Check the fan connection status.

CPU fan error

The CPU fan is not working properly. Check the CPU fan connection status.

Frame fan error

The frame fan is not working properly. Check the frame fan connection status.

Left fan error

The left fan is not working properly. Check the left fan connection status.

Right fan error

The right fan is not working properly. Check the right fan connection status.



Disk full

Cannot save video because the disk is full. Check the disc status.

SD card is full

Cannot save because the SD card is full. Check the SD card status.


Cannot save because the NAS is full. Check the disc status.

No disk

There is no HDD connected. Check the device.

Disc failed

There is a problem with the HDD. Check the HDD status.

SD card failed

There is a problem with the SD card. Check the SD card status.

NAS failed

There is a problem with NAS. Check the NAS status.

Disk error

There is a problem with the HDD. Check the HDD status.

RAID degraded

There is a problem with an HDD installed on the RAID. Check the HDD status.

RAID rebuilding

Recovering the Degrade status array in RAID.

RAID error

Due to disk error or RAID configuration problem, the RAID arrangement cannot be enabled anymore.

Check the RAID status.

iSCSI disconnected

Check the iSCSI connection status.

NAS disconnected

Check the NAS connection status.

Allowed bitrate exceeded

Since the amount of data that can be saved per channel has been exceeded, only I-frame will be saved.

Check the save setting.

Record error

Due to a camera issue, there was a problem saving the video. Check the camera status.



Retransmission overload

Network traffic overload

During remote transmission, the amount of data exceeded the device’s transmission bandwidth. Some channels are played on I-frame. Please reduce the number of users or channels to monitor.

CPU overload

VPU error

Memory error

There has been a system overload. Please limit the number of users to monitor through remote control at the web viewers or VMS or adjust the number of channels played remotely or on a recorder.




Connected to device.


Playback ended due to network quality decline.

User canceled connection.

There is a problem with the device connection. Please check the network or device status.

There is a problem with the device authentication information. Check the device authentication information.



Latest firmware available

There is a software update on the update server. Upgrade to the latest version.

Firmware upgrade

Firmware is being upgraded. You cannot play video during the upgrade.



Alarm input

An alarm input error has occurred.




Display the name change window of the resource tree and layout tree item


* Enter: Close after applying changes

ESC: Close


* Enter: Close after applying changes

ESC: Close

Run Autofit


Command + R

Switch to full screen/window mode


Control + Command + F

Opening media files

Ctrl + O

Command + O

Opening a new Layout tab

Ctrl + N

Command + N

Saving a layout

Ctrl + S

Command + S

Saving a layout with a different name


Ctrl + Shift + S

Closing a Layout tab

Ctrl + W

Command + W

Delete selection

Delete or Backspace



Space Bar

Space Bar


Ctrl + M

Command + [m]


Ctrl + [m]

Command + [^]

Zoom in on the timeline

Ctrl + [ f ] or [+]

Command + [ t ]

or Command + [+]

Zoom out on the timeline

Ctrl + [ i ] or [-]

Command + [ I ]

or Command + [-]

Previous event



Next event



Auto registration

Search and register the devices connected to the network automatically.

Manual registration

Register by directly entering the network information of the device.

DDNS & P2P registration

Register by entering the product ID of the device.

Automatic Registration

You can automatically register the device connected to the network on Wisenet Viewer.

Registering via the Function Button

1.Click the button in the Function button and select Auto register.
2.Once the Information input window is displayed, enter the device login ID and password.
3.Select the OK button.

Managing Devices


Password  ®>

| | Save ID and password @

OK | [ Cancel |

If the ID/password information is not registered on Wisenet Viewer, the Login information input window will appear.

If ID/password information is registered, the device automatically registered in the Root item will be displayed.

If Save ID and password is checked, your login information will be saved.

Managing Devices | 31


Registering via the Resource Tree

1.Right-click the Root item of the resource tree.
2.Select Auto register in the Shortcut menu.


Q Search

3 Root

If the ID/password information is not registered on Wisenet Viewer, the Login information input window will appear.
The devices registered on the Root are displayed. Once a device is registered, a group will be created with the name of the device, and the connected channel will also be displayed.

Picture 17 29w28h 1


If you select Add device in the Shortcut menu, you can register the device from the Add
device window.

32 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual






Add group

Add device

Add web page


Auto register


DDNS & P2P register

o Media f > È Mult > e Muit

Expand all

Collapse all

1.Registering via the Setup Menu
2.Select the button in the Function button panel.
3.When the Settings window is displayed, select Device > Device List.

• Select Add device at the bottom of the main Setup page to open the Add device

window directly.

4.Select Add.

Managing Devices

Picture 18 379w210h 1

5.When the Add device window is displayed, select Auto tab.

Picture 19 379w205h 1

6.Check the device to register from list.
7.Enter the ID and password of the device.
If the device is not detected, select Refresh.
Initial password: Enter the device’s initial password.

If Save ID and password is checked, the ID and password will be saved on Wisenet Viewer.

IP configuration: Change network information, such as the IP and port of the searched device.

Managing Devices | 33



Devices with the same ID and password can be selected and registered simultaneously.
8.Select the Register button.

Picture 20 379w205h 1

If the device is not registered, an error message will be displayed on the Status column.
If the device is registered, Success will be displayed on the Status column.
9.To close the Add device window, select the Close button.

Registering Manually

You can register by directly entering device information in Wisenet Viewer.

Registering via the Resource Tree

1.Right-click the Root item of the Resource tree.
2.Select Add device in the Shortcut menu.

Picture 21 269w236h 1

34 | Wisenet Viewer User Manual



3.When the Setup menu’s Add device screen appears, select the Manual tab.

Picture 22 382w209h 1

Managing Devices

4.Enter the information of the device to register.
5.Select the Register button.

Picture 23 382w209h 1

6.To close the Add device window, select the Close button.

Registering via the Setup Menu

1.Select the button in the Function button panel.
2.When the Settings window is displayed, select Device > Device List.

• Select Add device at the bottom of the main Setup page to open the Add device window directly.

Managing Devices | 35



3.Select Add.

Picture 24 379w210h 1

4.When Add device appears, select the Manual tab.

Picture 25 382w208h 1

5.Enter the IP type of the device to register and the login information.

IP type: Select the IP type of the device.

IPv4: Enter the IP in IPv4 format.
IPv4+SSL: Enter the IPv4/SSL.
IPv6: Enter the IP in IPv6 format.
IPv6+SSL: Enter the IPv6/SSL.
URL: Enter the URL.
URL+SSL: Enter the URL/SSL.
DDNS/P2P: Enter the product ID, and select whether to use DTLS.

36 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual



ID/Password: Enter the ID and password of the device. If Save ID and password is checked, your login information will be saved.
IP: Enter the start/end range for the IP.

Within the IP range you specified, you can register several devices at once.

Port: Enter the port information for the selected IP type.

Picture 26 30w30h 1


IPv6 is supported only on Windows OS.

Managing Devices

6.Select the Register button.

Add device

Auto | Manual

IP type  IPv4  ▼  ID  admin

IP  17230.1.100   – 17230.1.100  

Picture 27 48w25h 1

If the device is not registered, an error message will be displayed on the Status column.
Once device registration is complete, Success will be displayed on the Status column.
7.To close the Add device window, select the Close button.

Managing Devices | 37



Registering as DDNS/P2P

You can enter a product ID to register a device on Wisenet Viewer.

Checking the Product ID

If you set up a DDNS address on a connected recorder, the product ID information that can be remotely connected will be displayed.

1.In the recorder’s Setup > Network > IP & Port > Port menu, set Protocol type to TCP.
2.In the recorder’s Setup > Network menu, set the Wisenet DDNS & P2P item to Enable.

Picture 28 33w33h 1


To use the Quick connect function, connect the recorder to the UPnP router and set the Quick
item to Enable.

Registering via the Function Button

1.Click the  button in the Function button and select DDNS & P2P register.
2.Once the Information input window is displayed, enter the product ID, device login ID and password, and select whether to use DTLS.
3.Select the Register button.

Picture 29 269w173h 1

38 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Registering via the Resource Tree

1.Right-click the Root item of the Resource tree.
2.Select DDNS & P2P register in the Shortcut menu.

Picture 30 269w236h 1

Managing Devices

3.Once the Registration window is displayed, enter the product ID, your ID, and password, and select whether to use DTLS.
4.Select the Register button.

Picture 31 269w173h 1

Registering via the Setup Menu

When adding a device manually, you can select DDNS/P2P for the IP type and register it.

For more detail, please refer to Registering Manually (page 34).

Managing Devices | 39



Managing Groups

You can arrange registered channels or web pages as groups via the Resource tree. You can change channels in a group, move them to a different group, or delete a group.

If several devices are in a group, the channels included in the group can be moved or deleted simultaneously.

Picture 32 34w44h 1


Only users with administrator rights can create and manage groups.

Using the Group Shortcut Menu

Once a group is created, you can use the following menu.


Q Search

X ç^ Root

(□ NVRweb

Picture 33 204w113h 1

40 | Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Creating Groups

You can allocate registered devices and web pages to create groups.

Picture 34 34w44h 1


Media file videos cannot be added to a group.

Managing Devices

Forming Groups



You can open the selected group on the current Layout tab.


Open in new window

You can open the selected group in a new window.



You can change the name of the selected group.



You can delete the selected group.

Add group

You can add a low rank group within the current group.

Expand all

You can expand all the details of groups and media files contained in the root item.

Collapse all

You can hide all the details of groups and media files contained in the root item.

1.Right-click the Resource tree’s Root or group item that is already created.
2.Select Add group in the Shortcut menu.

Picture 35 269w236h 1

3.Once a group is created, drag the registered device or web page to the group item.

An arrow will be displayed under the cursor.

Picture 36 265w140h 1

tO CAM 01

tO CAM 02

tO CAM 03

tO CAM 04

Channels that are added to a group are automatically arranged by name.

Managing Devices | 41



Picture 37 29w29h 1


You can add a low-rank group in the Shortcut menu of the group item. If you create a low rank group,
you can separate and manage channels assigned to devices.
If there are many registered channels, enter the channel name in the search bar, and the channels will
be displayed.

Changing Group Names

1.Right-click the Resource tree’s group.
2.Select the button in the Shortcut menu.

• You can change the name by selecting a group and pressing the F2 key.

For more information on using the shortcut keys, refer to Shortcut Keys (page 30).

3.Change the name in the pop-up window and click the OK button.

Deleting Groups

You can delete created groups.

1.Right-click the Resource tree’s group item.
2.Select the button in the Shortcut menu.

• If a group is deleted, the included channels move below the Root.

Low-rank groups included in the deleted groups are deleted together, and the channels move below the Root.

42 | Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Managing Channels

You can move channels assigned to a group or release them from a group. You can also change the settings information of the selected channel or search for an event.

Managing Devices

Using the Channel Shortcut Menu

Picture 38 224w311h 1

Managing Devices | 43



Moving Channels

You can move a channel assigned to a group to another group or release it from the group.

Moving Channels to Another Group



You can open the selected channel in the current Layout tab.


Open in new window

You can open the selected channel in a new window.



You can change the name of the selected channel.



You can delete the selected channel.



You can check and change the channel settings information.

Move to

You can move the selected channel to a different group.


You can release the selected channel from the current group.

Event search

You can search events that happened in the selected channel.

NVR settings

You can check and change the settings of the recorder that includes the selected channel.

Event log

You can search the event log of the selected channel.

Export video

You can save the recorded videos of the selected channel.


You can connect a recorder to the selected channel.


You can disconnect the recorder from the selected channel.

Expand all

You can expand all the details of groups and media files contained in the root item.

Collapse all

You can hide all the details of groups and media files contained in the root item.

1.Right-click the Channel item of the resource tree.
2.Select Move to in the Shortcut menu.
3.Select a group to move within the group list.

Picture 39 269w262h 1

• The channel moves to the selected group. Channels that are moved are automatically arranged by name.

44 | Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Releasing Channels from Groups

1.Right-click the Channel item of the resource tree.
2.Select Ungroup in the Shortcut menu.

• Channels that are released from groups move below Root.

Managing Devices

Changing Channel Names

1.Right-click the Channel item of the resource tree.
2.Select the button in the Shortcut menu.

• You can also change the name by selecting a channel and pressing the F2 key.

For more information on using the shortcut keys, refer to Shortcut Keys (page 30).

3.Change the name in the pop-up window and click the OK button.

Picture 40 34w44h 1


If you change the channel name at the Resource tree, it will apply to Setup > Device > Device list.

Deleting Channels

1.Right-click the Channel item of the resource tree.
2.Select the button in the Shortcut menu.

Picture 41 29w30h 1


If the channel is deleted from the Resource tree, the saved layout will also be deleted. To register a deleted
channel again, check
Enable of Activate in the Setup > Device > Device list.

Managing Devices | 45



Setting up Channels

You can check the detailed information of the channel registered on Wisenet Viewer and change the desired information.

Picture 42 28w28h 1


On Wisenet Viewer, you can only change certain settings of the registered channels. You can change the
detailed settings of a recorder from the web viewer of a connected device.

Checking Channel Information

1.Right-click the Channel item of the resource tree.
2.Select the button in the Shortcut menu.
3.When the Settings window is displayed, select Device > Device List.
4.Choose the desired channel.

Check settings information when device information is displayed.

Picture 43 379w210h 1

Channel name: Displays the name of the selected channel. You can customize the name.
Channel number: Displays the number of the selected channel.
Activate: Use Choose whether to use a channel. If Enable is unchecked, the channel will not be displayed on the Resource tree.
Fisheye dewarping: Select whether to correct fisheye warping in videos.

This capability is only available with cameras that support fisheye view.

Mount: Select the mounting mode from Ceiling/Wall/Ground.
Fisheye camera model: Select the Fisheye camera model.

46 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual



Primary profile/Secondary profile: Select the video’s primary/secondary profile.
Codec: Displays codec information of the video.
Resolution: Displays resolution information of the video.
Frame rate: Displays frame rate information of the video.
Bitrate: Displays bitrate information of the video.

Picture 44 30w30h 1

Managing Devices


Enabling fisheye dewarping on a channel disables the PTZ icon on the Screen Control menu.

Running the fisheye view mode enables PTZ functionality in the Single, Quad, or Panorama mode.

Changing Channel Information

1.Right-click the Channel item of the resource tree.
2.Select the button in the Shortcut menu.
3.When the Settings window is displayed, select Device > Device List.
4.Select a channel and change the settings information.

Picture 45 379w210h 1

• The detailed information on devices can be changed on recorders, and the items that can’t be changed only show the settings values.

5.Select the Apply button.

• Changed results will be displayed in the top-right part of the screen.

Managing Devices | 47



Managing Web Pages

You can enter a URL to register a web page. A registered web page can be assigned to a video tile to be monitored.

Registering Web Pages

1.Right-click the Root item of the resource tree.
2.Select Add web page in the Shortcut menu.

Picture 46 269w214h 1

3.When the New Web page window is displayed, enter the information of the web page to


New Web page



Digest authentication

NVR web




OK ~| | Cancel

Name: Enter the name of a web page to register on the Resource tree.
URL: Enter the web page address.
Digest authentication: Enter the web page’s ID and password. If you check Enable, it will automatically log in when assigning a web page to a tile.
4.Select the OK button.

48 | Wisenet Viewer User Manual



• The web page will be displayed below Root. To assign a registered web page to a group, drag it and add it.

Managing Devices

Managing Devices | 49



Changing Web Page Names

1.Right-click the Web page item of the resource tree.
2.Select the button in the Shortcut menu.

• You can also change the name by selecting a web page and pressing the F2 key.

For more information on using the shortcut keys, refer to Shortcut Keys (page 30).

3.Change the name in the pop-up window and click the OK button.

Deleting Web Pages

1.Right-click the Web page item of the resource tree.
2.Select the button in the Shortcut menu.

Setting up Web Pages

The registered web page will be displayed on the assigned tile. When a web page is displayed on a video tile, you can zoom in and out on the web page within the tile and use the refresh function. You can also change and save registered web page information.

Picture 47 265w225h 1

— : You can zoom out on the web page ratio.
Web page ratio: You can check the current web page ratio.
+ : You can zoom in on the web page ratio.
O’ : You can refresh the web page.
X : You can close the web page tile. If the tile is closed, the layout will be deleted.

50 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual




When a video tile is assigned a webpage, right-click on it to access the shortcut menu options.

Full screen: You can see the current layout in full screen.
Show in : You can browse the webpage through a web browser.
Back: Move to the next page.
Forward: Move back to the previous page.
Reload: You can refresh the web page.
200%/100%/75%/50%: You can select the ratio in which to display the web page.

Managing Devices

Changing Web Page Information

1.Right-click the Web page item of the resource tree.
2.Select the button in the Shortcut menu.
3.Change to desired information in the Edit Web page window.
4.Select the OK button.

Edit Web page



Digest authentication

NVR web

0 Enable

ID  admin

Password  *********

OK ~| | Cancel

Managing Devices | 51



Checking Media Files

You can bring the image or the video file saved on your PC and check it on Wisenet Viewer.

Changing the Media File Folder Path

You can change the folder the media file is saved in. Images captured or videos recorded at Wisenet Viewer are saved in the media file folder, and the images or videos that will be used in Wisenet Viewer can be saved here as well.

Picture 48 33w31h 1


In Media File in the Resource tree, only video files with formats supported by Wisenet Viewer will be

Videos or images added by directly dragging the saved files from PC are not displayed on the Media
File of the resource tree.

1.Select the button in the Function button panel.
2.If the Settings window appears, select System > Local Settings.
3.When the Local settings window is displayed, select Change in the Media file folder item.

Picture 49 382w213h 1

4.Set desired path in the Select folder window and click Select folder.

52 I Wisenet Viewer User Manual



5. Select the Apply button.

Picture 50 382w213h 1

Managing Devices

6. Select the Close button on the confirmation window.

Picture 51 28w28h 1


After changing the path of the media file folder, Wisenet Viewer must restart to display the video or
image files in the changed folder at the bottom of the Root item.
The Media file folder’s file list is automatically updated.

Allocating Media Files

You can drag video or image files to directly allocate them to a tile. You can also arrange and save layouts.

Picture 52 30w30h 1


Here are the media file types that you can check on Wisenet Viewer: Files that are not supported may not

work properly.

Video: mkv, avi, mp4, wisenet media file(wnm), SEC

Video codec: H264, H265, MJPEG

Audio codec: AAC, G.711, G.726

Image: png, jpeg, jpg, bmp

Adding Video/Image File via the Resource Tree

Drag a video file displayed on the Media File item of the Resource tree to add to a tile.

Managing Devices | 53



Adding Video/Image File from PC

Drag video or image files saved on your PC to add them to a tile.


k If you select the Open Media File from the shortcut menu, which appears when right-clicking on an empty tile in the grid, you can add media files to the tile.

Or, you can press Ctrl + O on the empty tile to add media files.

If any video file has been assigned to a tile, you can configure the fisheye settings with the shortcut menu. You can enable the fisheye mode and select the type and mount to apply.
If the tile with an assigned media file ends, it will be deleted from the layout.

Verifying the digital signature of the WNM video file

When saving a WNM video by adding a digital signature, the digital signature of the video can be verified.

1.Select a WNM file at the bottom of a media file on the resource tree, and right-click it.
2.Select Verifying digital signature in the Shortcut menu.
When verification is complete, Verification has been completed will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
The icon of the file will be changed after the verification of the digital signature is completed. You can check whether the file has been tampered with by the selected file’s icon.
^ File tampered: An authentication certificate is included since the digital signature function was used when exporting the video. However, the file has been abnormally altered and the authentication information cannot be verified.
C^z Verification complete: An authentication certificate is included since the digital signature function was used when exporting the video, and the authentication information has been verified.
E No authentication: The file does not include an authentication certificate since the digital signature function was not used when exporting the video, so it is impossible to determine whether the file has been tampered with.

Picture 53 28w28h 1


To save a WNM file with a digital signature, select Enable on the digital signature menu when exporting
the video. For more information on exporting videos, refer to
Exporting Recorded Videos (page 152).

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