NVMS7000 Setup Guide

NVMS7000 is a network video manager that allows you to view your ip, analog live over the internet and playback and do configurations such as over the internet using an external hard drive.

NVMSv3 Quick Guide

Here is the Compact version Reading Guide for the NVMS v3.
This document covers the Device Management, , Playback, and Backup sections.
Click the Picture to download PDF


NVMS7000 v3 manual & FAQ

Click Link to download the User Manual:  NVMS7000 v3 User Manual



FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Here are some frequently asked questions when operating the client software. We provide the
corresponding answers to help the users to solve the problems.

C.1 During live view, why an error message with error code 91 prompts ?
Q: During live view, why an error message with error code 91 prompts ?
A: For live view of multiple windows, the channel may not support sub stream. You should disable the function of Auto-change Stream Type in System → Image, and select the appropriate steam type for live view.


C.2 During live view, why the image is blurred or not fluent?
Q: During live view, why the image is blurred or not fluent?
A: Check the driver of video card. We highly recommend you update the driver of video card to the latest version.

C.3 Why the memory leaked and the client crashed after running for a while?
Q: Why the memory leak and the client crashed after running for a while?
A: In the directory of the client software, open the Setup.xml file with Notepad and modify the value of EnableNetandJoystickCheck to false. Restart the client, and if the problem is still not solved, contact our technique support.

C.4 During live view, when getting stream via the Stream Media Server, why an error message with error code 17 prompts?
Q: During live view, when getting stream via the Stream Media Server, why an error message with error code 17 prompts?
A: Check the port mapping of Stream Media Server, especially RTSP port.

C.5 How to get better performance of live view and playback
when network bandwidth is low?
Q: If the network bandwidth is low, how to get better performance of live view and playback?
A: This function should be supported by the device. You can perform the following operations to realize live view in low bandwidth:
● Firstly, after adding the encoding devices to the client, you need to set the camera’s streaming

● Enter Device Management → Group
● Select the camera in the Encoding Channel list and click .
● In the Edit Camera window, set the Protocol Type (for live view) and
Playback Protocol Type (for playback) as Adaptive UDP.
● Click OK to save the settings.
● Then you need to disable the Auto-change Stream Type function.
● Enter System Configuration → Image.
● Disable the switch of Auto-change Stream Type function.
● Select stream type for live view.
● Enter Main View module.
● In the device list on the left, move the cursor to the camera name and click → Stream.
● For network camera, set the stream type as Third Stream.
● For DVRs or NVRs, set the stream type as Virtual Stream.
● Start live view.





D. Error Code

No videos.
It will be prompted when the user has no permission to play back.

1 Invalid user name or password.
2 No permission.
The user in the device has no enough permission.

4 Invalid channel number.
It will be prompted in the live view of remote screen control.

5 No more devices can be connected.
7 Failed to the device.
23 Not supported.
29 Operation failed.

43 No buffer.
It will be prompted when adding a device and the device port is occupied by a web server.

55 Invalid IP address.
56 Invalid MAC address.

91 The channel does not support the operation.
It will be prompted when failed to get the sub stream.

96 The device is not registered on the .
153 The user is locked.
250 The device is not activated.

404 Channel No. error or the device does not support the sub stream.
It will be prompted when failed to get the sub stream or the sub stream does not exist.

424 Failed to receive the data for RTSP SETUP.
It will be prompted when adding the live view for the software via external network.

800 No more bandwidth can be used.

Playctrl.dll ERROR CODE
2 The stream is not a Video & Audio stream.
6 The playback window turns black when adopting H.265 in the 64-bit operating system.

3 The connection problem between the software and the stream media server.
17 The streaming problem between the stream media server and the device.

NVMS7000 v3 Custom View & Auto-Switch

Create a custom view


  1. click + nearby the Custom view, to create a new view.
  2. Click the window division button.
  3. Select the layout you want.
  4. Drag each camera you like to view into each window.
    (You may drag different DVR camera into here, to create a merge view)
  5. Click Disk icon, give a view name and Save it.


There are two Auto-Switch functions.

  • Multi-screen Auto-switch                    display All DVR/NVR multiple camera display, or more…
  • Single-screen Auto-Switch                  display 1 camera only and switch within the DVR/NVR.


Single-Screen Auto-Switch

How to Play it?  (Red dot)

  1. click switch icon.    Then, the camera should display automatically.
  2. click Pause icon to pause it.


How to change duration?  (Blue dot)

  1. You need to Stop the auto-switch view first.
  2. Then change the duration  (5sec – 5mins)
  3. click the Switch button (Red dot 1) to start again.


Multiple-Screen Auto-switch contain three features.

  • All Camera Auto-Switch             display all the DVR/NVR camera and switch it.
  • All Views Auto-Switch                display all custom view (must have 2 custom view at least) and switch it.
  • Add View Group                        display limited custom view (2 view minimal) and switch it

All Camera Auto-Switch (Red dot)

  1. Click the window division button.
  2. Define the window division first.
  3. Click Switch icon.
  4. Click Pause/Resume icon to pause it.

Change Duration (Blue dot).
1. Stop the View first.   2. change Duration (5sec-5mins)  3. Play again (Red #3)



All Views Auto-Switch (will display all custom view and switch it)

You need to pre-define several Custom View first  (minimal 2).   For example,


Go to Auto-Switch Tab





Add View Group  (Aka  Limited View Auto-Switch)


  1. click + (Add View Group)
  2. Give a name.  (For example:  Limited View Auto-Switch)
  3. Select the custom view group you like to show.
  4. OK


Fix NVMS7000 video enlarge/cropped issue


If your video image has been enlarging/cropped/not filled (dark area), how to fix it?

This problem could be caused by the Windows PC Screen DPI issue.

  1. Stop the NVMS7000 software first.
  2. Mouse Right-click the NVMS7000 icon from the Desktop
  3. Select Properties
  4. Go to the Compatibility > Change high DPI settings
  5. Enable the Override > System
  6. OK, OK to close the Properties.
  7. Open the NVMS7000.    That should fix the issue.


Login PTcloud from the NVMS7000 v3

Install and Run the NVMS7000 v3 first.


Click the upper right Cloud icon to Login



After Login, simply drag the camera into the Video section.



Click the PTCloud icon & Exit to Logout

How to disable the Blue Line on screen

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